Dec 14, 2010

New Property Bonus Items


There are 8 new loot items offered as rewards when you collect on posts that are generated by your mafia members for upgrading and crafting items in all the New York buildable properties.  I discovered these when I was working on a post to show that Team Spockholm had added the Zoo to their bookmarklet Brutus Helper (for instructions on using this tools, click HERE).  In addition to adding the Private Zoo, Team Spockholm also updated the bookmarket so it will fetch a manual list for you.  Players with large mafias will love this change because they will no longer need to use the List Facebook Friends bookmarklet to generate their manual list.
In this run, I selected all of the property bonuses and clicked start.
My run contained items I've never seen before and I noticed that 2 new items were added as bonuses to all of the buildable properties.
 Lets take a closer look at these new items.
Chop Shop
Weapons Depot
Private Zoo
It's very odd that all of these items have the exact same stats of 30 attack and 72 defense (except for the Steel Apron).  The Big Horn Sheep doesn't look like a sheep to me, in fat, it looks just like the Bighorn that drops in Las Vegas.
I'm not sure what is up with these items.  We weren't told about them so it's possible they could vanish on us at anytime.  One of my mafia members, Hector, sent me the following image of a item that was showing up in his Armory.  By the time he was eligible to build it, it was gone.  It was called a Blue Dragon Helmet and I don't have any stats.  Hopefully the new bonus loot items don't vanish on us or change stats but it is very possible.  

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. thanks jennifer, you killed it

  2. Yep, I tried and it doesn't work!

  3. @Anonymous #2, do you really think they removed those items because of my post and made it happen within minutes? Zynga is well aware of these things way before anybody posts about them. Read the forums and you will see what I mean.

  4. @Anonymous 2 > it Died about 3 hours back way before It was Posted here ..

  5. @Anonymous 2:died or not the glitch should be shared first.. you want to eat alone? you should go die!!!

  6. saw this on few other forums too but us poor uk players usually miss out on these things ... but i caught the patriot error before they stopped it

  7. seriously they need to get more creative with their loot names "Bighorn Ram", "Bighorn", "Big Horn Sheep"?! There are other animals out there...

    btw, this is not super secret news, they often accidentally drop new loot in those wd etc. upgrade posts as random weapons etc., and it's always patched at some point later, Jennifer needs to be applauded for sharing the good news with us all though, this means that the last regions in Italy are soon to be released!

  8. Looks like they took those items back. They are not showing up in the new inventory.


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