Dec 15, 2010

Loyalty Program Energy Point Nerf


One of the items you could buy with your Loyalty Points was "Energy Points" which gave a player +100 Energy Points and cost 50 Loyalty Points.  This wasn't the greatest of things you could buy but many players utilized it when they were close to leveling.
If you go to the Loyalty Program page in the Marketplace, you will find this item is no longer available.  I was told by Hector, one of my mafia members, that for a short period of time there were two new boosts available. An attack boost of +50 and defense boost of +50.  These were offered to all status levels and cost 50 Loylaty Points for 20 boosts.  I don't have any screen shots but they were removed at the same time that the Energy Points were.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Hate that they took out the 100xp/50LP option. Wrote a letter of complaint to Z ... maybe others could too.

  2. agree with u there.. i spent my LP on energy if i knew i couldnt play the next day, was close to leveling and had used the energy pack already. at the moment its situation like that and im bugged figuring out how to level up fast ;-)

  3. unless they fix the loyalty program leveling so we can level without spending a ton of real money, its kind of pointless. at least the energy points gave us something to spend our loyalty points on if we weren't gold or higher.

  4. Hadn't used the loyalty points for about a week and came to buy the 50en just now. I guess now they've removed those options of en/stam i'll go back to ignoring loyalty points altogether as its basically just expensive junk available.

  5. I totally understand them wanting to change certain parts of the game to keep it fresh, but only if that brings more pluses into the game.

    By taking this away it is just going against evolution and therefore making the game worse.

    Would say it is just my opinion but I think all others who have posted think the same.

  6. Zynga seems to never understand the concept that once you give something to people, it's very hard to take away! Not without frustration and anger, anyway. They keep doing that and losing long time players who are tired of being jerked around.


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