Dec 22, 2010

Missions Bug Part 3


The Missions bug I've been tracking appears to be fixed now.  I farmed some more Wiretap Devices and tried doing the job my Mission required and hoped that the Wooded Crates would drop.
I was happy to finally see a Wooden Crate.  I wish they would decide what to call them.  The Mission says Wooden Boxes but the item that drops is called a Wooden Crate.  I should have mentioned that in my Customer Support ticket.
The Mission was complete but I waited to collect my rewards until I was a few points away from leveling.  You can see this gave me a nice boost of experience into my next level.
Part 2 was easy enough.  Win 20 fights and collect 12 Luggage from fights.  One run of brawler took care of that and then some.
Part 3 asked that I collect 4 Backpacks from my mafia.  I must have had extras from prior Missions because it was automatically completed.  After that, I had to build two items from my Port.
The next Mission I got is called Crush A Rival.  A new character named Daniel Kade doled out this Mission and he doesn't seem to mess around. This Mission was actually pretty darn easy and only had one objective.
Sam Hadwick is back for my next Mission called Strengthen An Alliance.  I'm done for the night so I'll work on that tomorrow.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. One mission "take out vatola" requires a job in region 1 Italy "discover a conspiracy" and it's dropped 100% loot items including bengal tiger 72/99 and a Shadow Transporter 77/60, the worst item was 62/26 for a red fox.

    What do you know about this one?

    Here's the photo's!/album.php?aid=34054&id=100001048513456

  2. "Sam Hadwick is back for my next Mission called Strengthen An Alliance"

    The luggage is not dropping from fights in brawler?
    Like 300 fights not one drop for this mission?
    Is this a bug?
    Fighting in New york as they point you too!

    The Whale


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