Dec 16, 2010

Inventory Privacy Link


One of the problems I mentioned in my article reviewing the New Inventory Page was the fact that anybody could now look at your entire inventory to include the number of items you own.  All they have to do is go to the Mafia Wars profile of any player and select the Items tab.  This is a good thing for traders but a bad thing for players overall as it can make accounts more vulnerable to hackers.  It also is a bad thing for players who value their privacy and don't want other players to see how many items they own. Zynga has listened to these complaints and has offered the best of both worlds.  Look for a link that will give you the option to make your inventory "Private" so that only you can view it or "Public" so any player can see what you have.  Now the traders can view their trading partners inventory before a trade to ensure the items promised are actually owned and players who don't want their mafia members constantly asking them for loot will all be happy.  The feature will slowly roll out to all players so be on the look out if you want change your inventory status.
To make your inventory private, go to your Mafia Wars profile page and scroll all the way to the bottom.
Find the link that says "Change to private" and click on it.
To change it back to the same thing but the link will say "Change to public".
We all need to give a big thank you to Da Irish Kid who was instrumental in outlining and presenting the reasons for this request to Zynga officials.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Could be we need to start demanding competent coders and producers. No responsible game company would put up with the sheer bulk of faulty and lackadaisical coding that Zynga presents weekly.

  2. Thanks, this information is extremely valuable especially if you want to prevent attacks from hackers and stronger players who are bullies.

  3. thanks, only people i want knowing what i have are the ones i tell/ talk to on a daily basis, thats crazy, i had to turn my vhat off for a long time causeof the beggars, imagine if they knew what i had. I could see it not being so bad if say people wanted to make you offers for what they need (make a trade) but as greedy and weird people have become thats not what it will be used for, i wish we could just click a tab and see what our defense list was, its gotta be easy to create that, item analyzer doesnt always show what ya have and can be a pain in the a$$ to navigate through

  4. how can i make it private ? or public ?

  5. MW profile page, click the link at the bottom that says "make inventory private"

  6. Meanwhile, back at Zynga headquarters, a bunch of devs are sitting around a table (pulling their puds) and all agreeing. "Yeah this new inventory pages is so F@CKING cool! Everyone's going to love it!"

  7. also 1 think to notice loot lady is that WOODSMANS are first then RANGE FINDER RIFLES even both items have same defense 54 on attack woodsman has 27 and range 37 so my 350+ ranges are useless now with this new inventory which were first on old one and i was using NO WOODSMAN for fighting now is the other way around.

  8. Anon above, it uses the best att weapons for attack, and the best defense weapons for defense. therefore, it doesnt affect you one bit. If you posted that comment a year ago with appropriate examples of items you would have been right

  9. even if you make your inventory private you can still get the numbers of each item they own.pick someone who has selected private. go to their profile page and click see inventory. go through the filter to see what you want of THEIRS and then click on the item. for example if you selected armor in the filter and hit show results. then click on the picture of any armor and it will tell you how many they have or using, and how many you got. only thing private is the total att and def strength, got a calculator? so even in private you still can find out exact no.s of items, their player status, which you can make private, and way more than before on old profile page. so the privacy block is pseudo. unless you cant add.

  10. I really appreciate your post and it was superb .Thanks for sharing information

  11. I appreciate your post, thanks for sharing the post, i would like to hear more about this in future


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