Dec 14, 2010

Inventory Management Page: Coming Soon


The Official Mafia Wars Blog has announced the that a new Inventory Management Page will soon be available.
Nate created an excellent Inventory Page tutorial which can be viewed on the Mafia Wars Blog, YouTube, or here.  He did a good job and now I won't have to go digging for information.  The Inventory Management Page is rolling out today and we should have it tonight or by tomorrow.  Once it's available to me, I can provide more feedback.  It looks cool and if you watch the video closely and pay attention, there are some clues of things yet to come!  We learn there will soon be sub-categories for our equipment items.  The example in this video shows that one of these categories for Armor will be "Body".  Nates says that this will soon be more useful to us.  We can also look at our mafia members Experienced players are going to like this as it simulates an item analyzer.  I love that there will be a filter and that inventory items we DON'T have will be viewable and included.  It may be confusing to newer players but in the long run should help them understand why they need 501 mafia and help them strategically build their strength.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Yeah, Nate did a great Job.
    I'm definitely looking forward to this, and they finally put back the player updates to the home page. :D

  2. i personally hate the new look inventory page, and also all the loot anaylzers do not work at the moment but hoping that will be remeded asap

  3. The Inventory Management Page is rolling out today and we should have it tonight or by tomorrow.
    BS - none of my accts have it yet

  4. I like your article and it really gives an outstanding idea that is very helpful for all the people on web.


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