Nov 7, 2010

Zynga Code Issues


A few players posted some interesting images on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.  Pasang Sherpa noticed that when he was doing a stamina ob in Las Vegas that one of his powerful energy boosts was used. A Faberge Hen which reduces the energy cost of a job by -24 was pulled from  inventory but no benefit was given. There needs to be a way to differentiate between energy and stamina jobs so our valuable energy boosts which aren't giftable won't be wasted.
Yoana Georgieva opened a Mystery Bag today and received a Pint of Stout.
The consumable items for Challenge Missions are useless to us once they are over and I get sick of looking at them in my inventory.  The only thing worse than a useless item in my inventory that I have no way to get rid of would be to get another one from opening a Mystery Bag!
Another thing I'm tired of getting are upgrade parts for my Chop Shop.  I don't know too many players that need them and what good are they if my Chop Shop has been fully upgraded?  I wish there was a way to replace these drops with things I actually need like Italy property Building Parts.
Bossy Don from TopMafia.Info is putting together a second rendition of her first "A Letter to the Devs".  For more details click HERE.  If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please leave your input on the TopMafia.Info Forums.


  1. I could use the CS parts :P

  2. I've been getting pints of stout for weeks now LOL

  3. i could use the cs parts too

  4. trade them for VHEL

  5. I had a glitch a little bit ago. When I was in Cuba, finishing up, and I would get the mastery boost, it would double the regular mastery, but take away the old city bonus. I did a work around, when I only accepted them, and used them in Vegas, so they weren't wasted. Contacted Zynga, and they just gave me the brush off, "we are working on it". Now, the mastery, when it shows up, only has one person listed in it, so I don't know what is up with that, but just keep and eye on it.


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