Nov 7, 2010

NY Banking Limits Lifted


Back in March many players were able to take advantage of a robbing glitch that gave them more money than the bank could hold (1).  Only $999,999,999,999,999,999 of that money could be deposited.
(image from the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog)
Today, players are reporting that the maximum deposit amount has been changed and all money can now be banked.  Mista Mafyia posted this information on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page and his current account balance in New York is $1,929,999,998,109,588,992.  This is a positive change for those lucky players who have all the money.  For the rest of us, it's just irritating to be reminded once again that we missed out on a great glitch and have little hope of getting the What's After Trillion achievement (1).


  1. So now it's up to the quintillion mark! Impressive!

  2. Not for me: "The bank can only hold $999,999,999,999,999,999 for you."

  3. I tried it and it will not deposit.


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