Nov 1, 2010

Village Building Parts Nerf


Everybody has noticed that loot drop rates have decreased.  Especially the Village Property Building Parts.  We could only hope it was a bug and drop rates would go back to what they were when Italy was first implemented.  I compared a 5,000 job run to a 1,000 job run to show the drop rate reduction (1).  Al Catraz, Super Moderator, burst all bubbles of hope when he replied on the Zynga Forum Board discussion thread Post Italy Related Bugs Here, that "The reduction of Village Drop Rates is not a Bug".
Here are the runs I performed on October 20th and Nov 1st.  The Dinner is Served Collection, which gives a +10% bonus for loot drop rates in Italy was NOT vaulted for the first run.  We have been severely nerfed!

92 Village Building Parts/137,000 Energy
No Loot Drop Rate Bonus
15 Village Building Parts/137,000 Energy
+10% Loot Drop Bonus 

Article written by Jennifer Patterson,
Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This sucks. Now well all have to beg forever and ever just to get all the parts needed for all the properties in the village. And now new buildings are on the way for Italy? Pfff...

    At this rate, I MIGHT get done sometime after the next 5 cities have been releases. *rolls eyes*

  2. "The reduction of Village Drop Rates is not a Bug"
    Its Zynga who are a bug and made us spammers.
    MW was fun when i start play it a loooooooong time ago. But Zynga have made this game worse each time they put in a new city or something new.
    And YOU, Loot Lady, You do a great job with this web page


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