Nov 1, 2010

Carlito's Way Limited Edition Loot


If you love old mafia movies from the early 1990's and Limited Edition Loot, Mafia Wars has a promotion just for you.  The Offical Mafia Wars Blog recently made a vague post hinting about "Carlito's Way" Limited Edition loot items and how they will help you stay on top of your game. Nothing is said as to how one goes about acquiring the items or how many of them there are.
When you click on the link that says "Get the Carlito's Way Limited Edition Items now!", you are directed to The Markeplace but there are no Carlito's Way items there at this time.  Because of this, it's probably safe to assume that this is some kind of Market Place promotion.
Bossy Don started a discussion thread on the Zynga Forum Boards titled Carlito's Way Items soon to be released and posted images of four items.  Since there were only four Halloween Limited Edition loot items, these are probably all of the Carlito's Way loot items.
(image from the Zynga Forum Boards)
At this time, there aren't any stats available for the items shown above. They will need to have awesome stats to make up for what they lack in graphic design.  I won't be interested in purchasing any of them if they don't.  The Halloween Limited Edition loot items were so cool, it didn't matter what the stats were. The theme of an old movie from 1993 doesn't excite me either.  I dug up an old trailer for those of you who haven't seen Carlito's Way.  As a modern day Mafia Wars player, I can't help but ask...Where are the animals in the fighting scenes?  Everybody knows that a mafia style fight is not complete without a Riding Elephant or a Stage Show Tiger.  It's odd that none of the featured loot items are in the animal category.
To see Al Picino an Sean Penn when they were 12, and possibly get motivated for the Limited Edition Carlito's Way Loot, watch the trailer below.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson,
Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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