Oct 29, 2010

Italy Loot Drop Rates


Bossy Don and I have been working on loot drop rates. We are planning on comparing the Bronze and Ruby levels but it looks like the drop rates have decreased during the time frame between our runs.  Property Upgrade Parts are still not dropping in Italy during fights and the bad news here is drop rates have dramatically decreased with jobs.  Here is a 1,000 Job run I performed on October 20th.  There are only 2 loot items that drop which have better stats than Las Vegas loot (the Meadow Viper and the Corpo Armatura) so I only calculated the drop rates for those items and the property Upgrade Parts. There are no Armor Parts in the first run because they were not dropping at the time.
October 20th 
(137,000 Energy)
October 28th
(665,137 Energy)
I used 4 times the energy and got less Upgrade Parts. The loot item drops are not good at all.  Italy just opened so we can only hope that the rates will get better. If not, it's going to take a very long time to get 501 of anything! New and better loot will probably be introduced before you even get close.



  2. Large energy account. It took a few days to get there. The account is banned from gifting and fighting so the only thing it's good for is drop rate studies.

  3. "The account is banned from gifting and fighting so the only thing it's good for is drop rate studies."

    Bet they love knowing you audit them regularly :D

  4. I believe that once Italy 1-5 Regions are completed that repeating Vegas Jobs are more rewarding.

    Sometime in the last few days it appears that Zynga has enhanced the Energy : Experience Points Ratios in Vegas to favor the player.

    I would be interested in knowing what we are to do with our Italian Lire once we have completed Regions 1-5 and upgrade our PORT.

    Thank you

  5. Thank you for all your post. have told you this before . You rock Loot Lady but the moron from Zynga sux big time. I have play MW for over 2 yrs and it getting worse and worse. They have take the fun out of MW. I had fun when i start play MW. Talk with player on the wall and swap items and help each other out. Now all struggle to get a building item or other loot. All the pop up and in-games ruin the game. They start something who give good loot and poff 1 day later the loot is just shit Soon you will need 1 million in energy just to get a few item. OR what Zynga wanted that we should use real money. I have to pay 200$ FOR 1000 RP + 25% tax . No way that i will pay so much. Its darn cheap for me to travel at Thailand or Indonesia and buy those Play card instead hehehehehe

  6. Vegas drop rates seem to have tanked today also. I noticed this earlier today when I got far less than 10% drop rates, I used an energy pack and it was about the same at roughly an 8% drop rate. This is on district 8 bronze

  7. Obviously that should be Chris

  8. The Halloween costume drop rate has gone through the floor also now - Z sucks real bad atm - really thinking what is the point of playing on

  9. yeah. the loot-drop rate went down MASSIVELY since a few days.
    usually the district 8 vegas job "dig up links to halloran and a meth ring" dropped between 38%-40% now it's down to 7%. WTF zynga?!?!?!?!

    spent 60k energy on 2 different accounts, on bronze mastery. took no screenshots cause i'm too lazy... LOL

    but even without that evidence. EVERYONE should notice that the drop rate dropped heaps... :-(

    could you not publish this more, jennifer? i think zynga listens to you and the other guys over there at the mw-wiki and topmafia...

  10. I have found making my delay ratio's higher and the same value does help. Currently I use a delay of 3/3 and hitting individual jobs only 15 times each, the starting the same order again. I managed a 10% drop yesterday in Vegas.

    It takes much longer but using the LV Auto Job assists somewhat.

  11. I just did 615 jobs (16.000 energy) in Italy and didnt get a single Village building part. Also, you cant gift them any longer. Is that correct? Can we only ask for a part every 24 hours now?



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