Nov 12, 2010

Rumble In Russia: Boss Health Stats


I don't have Rumble In Russia yet but Mr. Sim y0 does and he has finished and shared the Boss health stats with us.

BossHealthLoot Stats
Dimitri Lenonov96,000Atlas Torso 
Gregor Belikov120,000Crushed Ice 
Valdimir Osipov144,000Big Z
Sonya Bassinov168,000
Civ-4 Carbine


Event Mastery ItemStats
Ursa Major


  1. Don Janox --> 4 ya all 2 kno' laterzNovember 12, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    Hahaha sux :( if we all were able to start the events at the same time i would have been done 2½ hrs ago.. with that said them Zyng's need to step it up... why tf* do u have to launch all events in bigger populated countries than mine hours and hours b4 i get to take a go at it???? SUX BIG TIME... i might not b a citizen in the biggest of countries in da world... b*t hell yea u wanks.. it was fuggin ma coutry that invented FB...... STEP IT UP ZYNG' U SUK

  2. @Don Janox
    Ummm facebook was invented in USA im pretty sure by that Mark Zuckerberg guy. I live in USA, its rolled out here (at least on my server). Not sure what you're talking about... and you get 7 days to complete it. You aren't going to be pinched on time.

  3. it's ridiculous how quick you can do it. i've deliberately stopped on the last boss of gold level to have something to do tomorrow...

  4. If you help other people finish it can you get multiples of the loot rewards?

  5. Lol ur getting rewards if u help other peepz!! i got all gold rewards bt not the Mastery item :'( Ursa Major

  6. told you it would be a bear :)

  7. It's way too easy, liked San Juan much better...


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