Nov 1, 2010

Gifting Search


A few days ago, I posted about the New Player Updates and pointed out that it was really a pain in the butt to scroll through all 6000+ of my mafia members to find one person on the free gift page (1).
One of my readers pointed out that this page has a search feature and all I needed to do was type in the name of the person I was looking for.  Thank you very much, hvedeknoppen!
I wan't aware of this and wonder how long it's been there.  I'm going to feel a little silly if I find out it's been since the day I started playing.  Just in case there are others like me and didn't know, I decided to make a post about it. After selecting the free gift you want to send, type the name or part of the name of the person you wish to send the gift to.
The search feature has also been implemented on the Multi-Gifter which I believe everybody should have now.  I know the search option wasn't part of the first version.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson,
Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. These have been present for me for as long as I can remember. The multi-gifter that I beta'd certainly had this as well. That said, different servers seem to be set up differently (I don't have consolidated player feeds yet for example) so you never know!

  2. I'm sorry Jen, i have been playing for 17 months now and it always been there for me :.( If i knew for once i would be able to help you instead of you helping us with your great job, i would have telling you :.)

  3. Hvedeknoppen {STYRER}November 1, 2010 at 3:31 PM

    Thx Jen. I´m glad i could help you. You are helping so many people understanding the game.
    In the MW-Toolbar i made, i´ve added a RSS reader, so al my users gets easy acces to your articles. Btw, did you know you can do almost the same in Chucker ??? When you klick on the blue scroll down button beside the friendlist you can type in the first letter. ;-)

  4.'s been there for a while....i fell upon it one day by accident.....i now use Spockholms Gift Friend BKL Generator..that is real Sweet.!!

  5. I never noticed it before, and I know it hasn't been there long, but to be honest, I've enever found it extremely difficult to just slide the bar on the right and get there quickly that way.

    NOW: On another note, if you want to talk about a real PItA, try finding a member of your mafia to access their profile/slot machine/wish list.
    If you are lucky, they show up with a search on the home page of the MW app, but many times they do not, and you are forced to go into the area where ALL of your mafia is listed, and route through those pages, where they are all listing IN NO PARTICUALR ORDER... are you kidding me???? Is it that hard to put them all ijn alphabetical order even? C'mon Zynga, I find it absolutely obserd to have to scan through dozens and dozens of pages just to find one of my Mafia Member's profile. [/end_rant]

  6. Glad to hear I'm not the only one :) OMG, you need to use the switch bookmarket ASAP! You can get to anyones MW profile from their FB profile with one easy click.


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