Oct 29, 2010

Switch Bookmarklet


If you have tried to use the Switch bookmarklet to get the Facebook profile of one of your mafia members, you will find it's not working. It works just fine to go from a Facebook profile to a Mafia Wars profile but not the other way around. Switch works both ways with no problems on players who are not in your mafia.
The Switch bookmarklet can be found on the The Spockholm Mafia Tools Stable Page.  I asked Pistol Pete what was going on and he told me that Zynga changed some things and they would be looking into it some more. It currently will work on the Declare War Page. Arch-Angel Nemesis figured out a work around for the time being.

1. From anywhere in the game, right click over a friends Mafia Wars name and then click on Open link in new window.  In this example, I will use an initiator from a random Social Mission.
2. In the new window that opens, click on the Switch bookmarklet once to unframe the page.
3.  Once the game is unframed in your new window, find the Mafia Wars profile you want to switch, click on the Switch bookmarklet again and the Facebook profile of your mafia member will appear.


  1. Hvedeknoppen {STYRER}October 30, 2010 at 3:33 PM

    There´s another way to do it :
    When you are at another persons Mw-profile, copy the green link(share this profile)and paste it into your browser, enter, and now you can use switch after unframing ;-)

  2. In the case of non-friends, Switch does not switch from their FB to their MW profile

  3. I'm having no luck.


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