Oct 14, 2010

The Social Network: Review


The Social Network staring  Jesse Eisenburg was well worth the wait and anticipation.  When I wrote about the movie trailers (1) in July, I was very excited and couldn't wait to see the it.  During the course of my research at the time, I saw many mention that Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, did not endorse the movie or want it to happen.  The Social Network was fascinating and well written with a very talented cast.  I think Mark Zuckerberg should be proud of what he did. I fell in love with his character and think he came out looking like a hero. I could be bias since I do have a thing for computer guys.  The ladies will also enjoy Justin Timberlake who plays Sean Parker.  The story of how Facebook came to be what it is today is something all of us who use it should know.  I highly recommend The Social Network to anybody and give it two thumbs up!
An article on Fast Company Magazine titled Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg: Hacker. Dropout. CEO. written by Ellen McGirt in 2007, brings to light some of the scenes in the movie and accurately predicts the future at the time.
"Zuckerberg's life so far is like a movie script."/Ellen McGirt
Click HERE to read The Social Network review by The Movie Banter.
(image from The Movie Banter)
I found the following videos if you can't get enough of Mark Zuckerberg.
Interview with actor Jesse Eisenburg

Saturday Night Live Parody 

Rap Song Parody 

Here is something interesting that Mafia Wars players will enjoy.  You can find Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook profile by clicking HERE.
I used the Switch bookmarklet by Team Spockholm to see if he plays Mafia Wars.  It looks like he tried it out at one time and gave up after level 22.  I'm sure he's a busy person and didn't have time for all the clicking. Of course he picked Mogul as his character type and doesn't have anything on his wishlist.  I guess if you had that much money you wouldn't need a wishlist.
I wanted to see what type of equipment he owned so I attacked him.  I hope he doesn't get mad and disable my account.
I found it odd that he owned so many Mexican Balls.  178 were used to thwart my attack but who knows how many more he has.  Only 179 were used because that is the size of his mafia (178 plus the one for him). Mexican Balls were available only in The Marketplace for 5 Reward Points a piece.  Assuming he only purchased 178 (I suspect he bought more), that comes out to 890 Reward Points.  Too bad nobody told him those Reward Points would have been better utilized on energy refills or skill points.  This is the type of poor strategically based move that Zynga loves their players to make.
(images from The Mafia Wars Wiki)
Many thanks to Mr. Sim y0 for helping me gather much of the information contained in this article (especially Mark Zuckerberg's Mafia Wars profile).


  1. he has no jobs done or fights won so he probably never clicked...just got those levels back when there was capo xp or something

  2. he got many mw members too morew than 500


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