Oct 13, 2010

Don Romo: A New Look


Go to your Mafia Wars game and check out the promo picture for the Silence Don Romo event.  Don Romo has grown a beard and put on some shades.  This is puzzling me and I can't figure out the reason behind it.
Al Catraz, Super Moderator, doesn't know either.  I'll be following the Zynga Forum Board discussion thread titled Don Romo to see if Al can clue us in.
Maybe former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani reads my blog and called Zynga to ask for his image back!  Whatever the reason for the change, it looks like a poorly made disguise and nobody is being fooled. The man in the new picture still looks like Don Romo.
Perhaps there is a copyright problem because the image of Don Romo does look exactly like Don Vito Corleone from The Godfather movies. I figured that was too obvious so never compared them in previous articles.
I'm not sure the fake beard and sunglasses can solve Zynga's problem if that's truly the reason behind the abrupt change.  I tried them out on the real Don Vito.  As suspected, he still looks like the real Don Vito.


  1. Thanks for the plug in your first post about Don Romo. The more I looked at the pic, the more I thought it was Mayor Guiliani trying to look like Brando. Nice try by the big "Z", but now it looks like Mayor Guiliani with a fake beard.


  2. Yeah maybe the became afraid by the copyright violations or something like that about the godfather or something like that :P

  3. I always thought it looked like Vincent Price...


  4. come on,he is definitely vito

  5. Big Z doesn't care about copyvios: see Samuel L. Jackson on the Bookie job, Cee-Lo as Agostino Cleto (though I always thought it was Laurence Fishburne), the Thai Centipede, Sandra Bullock (in ''The Net'') in the Daily Take, ....

    But Paramount (or whoever) has probably been watching them closely because of the theme of the game.

  6. Hey, if you take the eyes and the beard together, he looks a bit like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad....


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