Oct 3, 2010

Promote Glitch & Declare War


I've been following a discussion thread on the Zynga Forum Board titled Wars being Updated Tonight!!. There have been over 200 replies and I've learned a lot about the new war feature.  I've been updating my article Declare War Feature Activated to include additional images as more is learned.  An interesting issue was addressed and I had to find more information about it.  A long time ago there was a glitch in which players could promote themselves into their own Top Mafia.  The lucky players who were able to do so will rarely lose a war because players aren't allowed to attack the Top Mafia version of the player they declared war on.  Nobody can attack the player that war was declared upon until all of their Top Mafia have been killed. The only way it's possible to win a war against such a player is through splash damage.  In the old wars splash damage would occur when a player took out one person and caused damage to a second player.  I'm not sure if splash damage happens in the new wars.  Please comment if you see this happen when you attack somebody.  The glitch was patched so don't waste any time trying to figure out how you can promote yourself. Muhammad Usama Skeikh posted the following image on the TopMafia.Info wall because he encountered the situation described above.
Fiona, Mafia Wars Moderator, stated in the discussion thread referenced above that the moderators are aware of this issue and have reported it (1).
I wanted to see this for myself so I found a player who had promoted himself into his own Top Mafia and declared war on him with my energy account.  I attacked his Top Mafia version of himself and got the error message, "You can not attack this target".
I guess my energy account won't win this war because nobody can attack my opponents mini-me!  I waited an hour to check on the progress.  As suspected, all Top Mafia except for the mini-me were dead.
The next time I checked, the war was over.  As suspected, my energy account lost.
Thanks goes to VCDBurn for explaining the promote glitch and splash damage, Muhammad Usama Skeikh for posting the image used above on TopMafia.Info, Bossy Don for helping me locate the image, and Jimmy Totimes, the lucky player who I declared war upon.  Hopefully he doesn't get mad at my energy account.  He  isn't mad and was more than happy to share his image with all us.  Thanks again Jimmy!


  1. Im the lucky player and actually am honored to be a feature of your Blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks Jimmy, I'll edit this and add your name. I posted it before I got permission form you to do so. Thanks for helping me demonstrate what happens when you've promoted yourself :)

  3. {K*A*T}DON$B-MORE$JUANOctober 3, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    Hello jimmy this just happened to me last night and i was very mad about this. I had the war won but i lost because of that glitch. How can i get that splash feature to get my revenge on that player?

  4. attack this player first.. do not attack another player..:)

  5. That doesnt work either. Because it is the same profile as your main , it will tell you that you cant attack this person.

  6. Well they fixed it.. I was demoted out of my top mafia. oh well, it was fun while it lasted.


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