Oct 3, 2010

Bagman-Mugger Updated


Team Spockholm has updated their Bagman-Mugger bookmarklet.  In addition to Mystery Bags, it it will now collect Special Parts from your mafia members who participate in this interactive program.  For instructions on using it, read my article Bagman-Mugger.
I'm not sure if you need to delete and re-install the bookmarklet but I had to do that to get it working.  If you fail the leech check, you will need to update your Facebook quotations section in order to use it.  Pistol Pete does not let those who don't update their link everyday participate. Morgan Monroe, the creator of the Spockholm Mafia Tools logo, doesn't let his mafia members get away with not updating their links either.  He is on top of it and I received a friendly inbox message from him reminding me to do it.  I had to come clean and admit to him that I forget and I'm a horrible Bagman-Mugger.  I totally blame Zynga.  If there weren't so many tasks to perform in the game, I would always remember to update my links.  Morgan was very nice about it and forgave me.
Now when you follow the instructions to update your Facebook favorite quotations section, the gift link for the Special Parts will be added as well. Special Parts are needed to build the new items that were added to The Chop Shop and Weapons Depot (1).  You can collect 5 a day by looking through your news feeds for Special Part requests.  The only other way to get them is through the gifting system.
I tested it out and it works!  My results weren't that great as I only got 1 Special Part and 2 Mystery Bags (a 3% success rate).  The reason is because only 95 people in my mafia use Bagman-Mugger, 67 (71%) of them are as bad as me and haven't updated their link and 25 (26%) of the gifts that were updated had error messages.
If I would have found and opened these gifts manually, I would have wasted a lot of time.  The 26% MW/Error rate is due to the gifting errors many of us have been getting.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get the bagman to work like yours Ihave updated & don't get the pic u have shown am I doing something wrong Dolly deloresziegler@hotmail.com


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