Oct 15, 2010

Masked Robbery Event


The newest special event in the series has been released. Now, instead of collecting pigs, you get to collect presidental masks for a robbery. A homage to Point Break perhaps? Who knows.
Anyways, to the meat of things. This works similar to the prized pigs event. You get to free gift masks to your mafia, and they collect them. There are rewards of course. You just didn't expect to collect masks and just have them hang out in your inventory, now did you?
There are a total of three different masks to collect, and 3 different reward payouts. First on the list is Bubba Masks, which is for all you non-US residents, is former president Bill Clinton.
And mask #2 is Dubya, which is former president George Bush Jr.
And lastly, we have Rock Masks, which is of course, Barak Obama.
Grand Prize for mastering this event? The awe-inspiring Executive Decision, a Weapon that clocks in at 130 ATK 102 Def.
Earlier, when the initial announcement was made about this event, they had the KAO Rockstar as the reward for Dubya and the Black-Backed Jackal for Rock, but that was quietly fixed before the event was released.

1 comment:

  1. Calling the last mask 'The Rock" is an insult to rocks. At least they can serve a useful purpose.


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