Oct 28, 2010

Loot Name Change


Bossy Don and I are working on Region 5 Loot Drop Rates.  When I was comparing my results to the ones I had done earlier, I noticed that one of the Region 5 loot items was replaced with something else. I checked my inventory and found that it is the same item, it just has a different name.


  1. According to the Italian Wikipedia, Tirapugni is a brass knuckles: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirapugni
    (Google translate works VERY well on this page)

    Whereas "pugno" means fist or punch: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pugno

    Nice catch, LootLady! Thanks for ALL you do!

  2. Quality information, or info about bugs ... again? Quality or quantity, obviously - the quantity! Sadly ....

  3. What kind of problem that people have? Bugs or not, so what? As far as I know and http://mafia-wars-maniac.blogspot.com/ is dealing with bugs. Some people like such things, read and watch.

  4. Anonymous said...
    bla bla bla
    October 28, 2010 1:54 AM

    until you show us your superior blog anonymous, why dont you just shut your fucking hole...

  5. I really like anonymous, they are all brave to say what they think, but do not have courage to sign it. Well, bla, bla ..... all the anonymous above me.
    ...about the manner of expression do not even want to talk, shame

  6. GrEAT Job always appreciated LOOT LADY

  7. has anyone noticed the loot drops are getting less every day, yesterday morning i had a 33% drop rate, yesterday evening i got 21% and this morning i got 6%, doing the same job and using the same amount if energy.

  8. i used to run that 8 energy job in part 1 italy to get more of the pieces needed to build my island up....no pieces on any italian jobs today

  9. Don't we have 3 free spins for day when friends play on our slots anymore?


    And, what happend with the building material dropping from jobs?

  10. Hello everyone!

    I'm just testing things out! :D

  11. Why can't people put there names up? Are they chicken?

  12. im getting nothin for halloween costumes, from jobs,
    a few from fighting,
    im getting stone columns from mask rewards posted on feed,
    others get terracotta tiles, and marble slabs and others get nothing

    only after getting the u hav already collected your 10 today message for hours....

    now i hav a limit of 4 hours before i can post the halloween mission after only posting 4, and i hav not used the others for days... too much junk



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