Oct 28, 2010

FarmVille and FrontierVille Cross-Game Promotions


This passed weekend, The Official Mafia Wars Blog posted an article about Mafia Wars cross game promotions with FarmVille and FrontierVille. The post had us all dreading that we would have to play these games to get Mafia Wars limited edition loot items.
The good news is we don't need to play these games.  The bad news is we won't be getting any Mafia Wars loot. This time, it's the Farmville and FrontierVille players who will have to suffer and play Mafia Wars.  Mike Nestor of The Informant Podcast took one for the team and did what was required in both games to demonstrate that there is no benefit to Mafia Wars players.  He kindly gave me permission to re-print both of his posts. Thanks Mike! I sure didn't want to do it.

Farmville Cross Promo by Mike Nestor

A New Promo is out that involves Mafia Wars, but you will not get anything for MW at all.
You will just get a limited Edition Item for Farmville called the “Roman Golden Horse”

This is Simple to do, Just load Farmville and you will get this pop-up at the bottom of your screen

If you don’t get this popup once you have loaded, Simply open your giftbox and click on the “Click for Specials” button and scroll to the right until you see the “Roman Horse” and click on “Play Mafia Now”

Either way you chose, once you have clicked on one, you will receive this pop-up

Click on “Accept” and it will take you to Mafia Wars where you will then get this pop-up

Click on the “Start Playing Mafia Wars Now!” button and level up 3 times with a minimum level of 8.
Once you have leveled up 3 times, you will receive this pop-up

Click on the “Claim Your Prize!” button and then you will be redirected back to Farmville, where you will then receive this pop-up letting you know that you earned the “Roman Golden Horse”

You can then click on “OK” and go to your gift box to select the Horse and place it on your farm if you wish.

Frontierville Cross Promo by Mike Nestor

Another New Promo is out that involves Mafia Wars, but you will not get anything for MW at all.
You will just get a limited Edition Item for Frontierville called the “Roman Bust” or “Italian Bust”
This is also Simple to do, and faster than the Farmville one, Just load Frontierville and you will get this pop-up.

Click on the “YES” button and it will direct you to Mafia Wars where you will then receive this pop-up.

If you notice, the job name says “Find an Old Friend” but the actual job name is “Find An Old Family Friend” as in the image below. Also you will notice, there is no FV logo image on that job as states also. The job is Located in Region 2 of Italy.

Once you have completed this job, you will get this pop-up.

Now just click on the “Claim Your Prize!” button and it will direct you back to Frontierville where you will receive this pop-up.

Now just click on the “USE” button and go to your inventory to find the “Bust” and then you can place it on your property.

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