Oct 27, 2010

Italy Mastery Bug


This afternoon, there was another Italy bug in which many players who had fully mastered Italy were rolled back to 75% mastery. The issue was addressed on The Zynga Forum Boards in a thread titled Italy Rollback.
(image from The Zynga Forum Boards, submitted by JoeyPK)
My energy account which has mastered all the jobs, was not affected. Al Catraz, Super Moderator, stated that the issues was reported.
Gordon Zynga, Mafia Wars Team Member, who is usually very quiet replied twice!
Within an hour, players started reporting the bug was fixed and FionaWG, Mafia Wars Moderator, shut down the thread.  If your account was not properly adjusted, I recommend you create a Customer Support Ticket as soon as possible.


  1. I liked this bug. I just quickly went and filled them all up to 100% again and got the extra skill points!

  2. Yep, if it had affected my account, I would have done the same thing and NOT bitched about it on the forums. So many players don't understand the value of a skill point!


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