Oct 28, 2010

Fighting In Italy Part 2


I performed another stamina run while fighting in Italy last night. I did this because there were a few bugs affecting Fight Mastery progression, Victory Coins, and Italy Property Building Parts.
(click any image to enlarge)
New Run (7,376 Stamina) Oct 28th
Old Run (5,427 Stamina) Oct 27th
I took screen shots of before and after my run and we can see that the Fight Mastery bug has been fixed.  I also got 1,174 Victory Coins on this run which is a great improvement from the 51 I received the night before.
I forgot to capture all the loot drops with the run but from memory I can say that no Property Building Parts from Italy dropped and only about 10 Armor Parts. Read the post by Bossy Don on TopMafia.Info for more on that. Bottom line is the drop rate for Armor Parts totally sucks.  It appears you get about 1 Armor Part per every 700-800 stamina used.
(image from TopMafia.Info)
I also checked back on the Zynga Forum Board discussion thread titled O hell no....  Gordon Zynga states that the Captcha security checks many players were getting while fighting have been temporarily disabled.  It seems Zynga adjusted the settings too low.  This affected some players while they were in clan wars and nobody was happy about it.  Gordon Zynga also added that "If you were able to trigger this without using any third party tool, send me a PM with your UID/Profile link and a rough time estimate for when you hit it. If you've got a video I'll take that too."  I don't know about you but I don't think I ever made a video of me playing Mafia Wars. Somehow I don't think that would turn into a YouTube overnight sensation.  Gordon does let us know that he will edit the triggering threshold and that the goal of the Captcha was not to hurt the fighter.
(modified image from TopMafia.Info)

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