Oct 6, 2010

Facebook Refined Search For Super Pignatas


A few days ago, I told you how to find Super Pignata Links using the Facebook search bar (1).  Using this method, Mike Nestor was able to get a Gray Wolf after the Super Pignata event was over.  Pistol Pete of Spockholm Mafia tools took this one step further and showed me how to use the refined search to make it even easier.
Here is a review from the article referenced above with the addition of steps to do a refined search.
1.  Type in a search word in the search bar (Pignata for this example).
2.  Click on "See more results for Pignata".
3.  Click on "Posts by Friends" located on the left hand side of the page.
4.  Open the "Show" drop down bar.
5.  Select "Links".
6.  Click on "Refined Search".
You will now get all posts by your friends that have the word Pignata and a link.  This made finding old links a lot easier.  I've been searching for 5 Super Pignatas everyday.  Today was special because of this link created on September 25th.
When I opened it, I got the Gray Wolf!  I was so excited and couldn't believe it after all these days of trying.
Here is the Gray Wolf in my inventory.  Just look at those stats!
And there it is on the Blofeld's Item Analyzer.  It's my number one combined scoring animal.  Ok, I'll stop bragging about the Gray Wolf now.  I hope you are able to find some old links and get one too.
Since I was feeling so lucky, I decided to take it to the next level and look for regular Pignatas.  I had to go way back in my search results but was able to find 2 of them that worked.  I wasn't as lucky this time because I didn't get the Iron Titan.  The following link from September 10th still worked!  I'm glad I have mafia members like Manpreet who consistently post their free gift links.


  1. also secret drops are working that way even if nobody sending them to you.

    Margus Maki

  2. when i click on the link it tells me error in request

  3. Error: An unknown error occurred in the gift request..im trying to follow these step but it keeps telling me this error..Error: An unknown error occurred in the gift request..please help>i want some masks my friends are lame and not sending!!

  4. so how can i make my own gift links whatever this post about and share with my friends??

  5. while at search/posts by friends tag the posts related to my search are limited to only 1 page and i don't have the 'see more results' option at the end of the 1. page since 22/10/2010.
    P.S. "Show" drop down bar and 'Refined search' options are not visible too.
    please comment on how to fix it please.

  6. ohh thank you for the tip...i have my villege finisched :* <3

  7. since 2 days i have the same problem like the person on October 23, 2010 7:58 PM replies.
    did FB change something?

  8. My refined search options and drop down box are not visible

  9. Fb changed the pages so heres a little update.
    go to :
    and type the item your looking for in the search box and enter
    thats all there is to it.
    And Blofelds Item analyzer is gone


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