Sep 2, 2010

Zynga Talks About The Release Notes


In my article titled A Better User Experience, I discuss some things that Zynga is doing to improve the game.  The response from many on the Zynga Forum Boards is not positive.  Zynga can't blame us for being skeptical so maybe they will try even harder.  In the discussion thread tiled Release Notes-Finally!, Erik Mafia Wars, a game developer tells us all about the Release Notes feature and adds that "we now have finally delivered".
(click on any image to enlarge)
My buddy and informant Mr Sim y0 replied to this statement and points out that the Release Notes are not new.  This explains why they looked so familiar to me.  Mr Sim y0 found a screen shot of the old Release Notes and posted them in this thread.
In another thread dealing with the same topic titled Zynga is communicating with their players again!, we see a new Zynga Representative make an appearance.  This is Gordon Zynga and he is a Mafia Wars Team Member.  What a coincidence that both Erik Mafia Wars and Gordon Zynga have last names that describe where they work!
I checked out Gordon Zynga's profile and learned that he is a Product Manager for Mafia Wars, doesn't make many posts, has been around for 2 months, and he doesn't have any friends.
I felt bad for him so I sent him a friend request.
Mr Sim y0 wanted to know more too so he asked him in the thread.
Since Gordon Zynga is shy about posting, Erik Mafia Wars answered for him.  We learn that he is a developer who finds balance with game features to prevent exploits.  This must be the guy who keeps nerfing us.  No wonder he doesn't have any friends!

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