Sep 10, 2010

Super Pignatas


OMG!  We know Zynga likes to recycle their own themes but this is a little ridiculous.  Pignatas are bad enough and now we will have Super Pignatas.  Zynga must think they are very clever for coming up with the word Pignata and they want to ensure it doesn't fade from our memory banks.  The Grand Prize is some kind of animal with great Attack and Defense scores. 
I want to know if this means we will no longer have a chance to get the Iron Titan.  I've opened 3 Pignatas everyday and got a bunch of Chain Vipers but no Iron Titan. 
(image from Mafia Wars Wiki)
I got an insider tip that the next Boss Fight Event will be called Super San Juan.  Can't they be a little more original?


  1. Apparently, the super pignata can be opened 5 times per day. i also got to open and send 3 regular pignatas although they're not available at the gifting area atm. still get the annoying error message from super pignatas of new mafia members like the other gifts

  2. Got the gray wolf grand prize on 2nd super pignata i opened

  3. i know a lot more ppl getting the wolf then the titan, idk anyone with a titan


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