Sep 10, 2010

Weapons Parts and Fight Loot Drop Rates


Yesterday I reviewed loot drop rates from doing jobs.  Today I'll review loot that drops from fighting.  A few days ago, Joanezie Malone, Community Manager, notified us on the Zynga Forum Boards in a post titled Weapon Parts Drop Increased that we would see an increase in the percentage of Weapons Parts dropping from fights.
For quite sometime Weapons Parts have not been dropping from fights.  Here is a stamina run performed by Patrick Malouin Dacosta.  Out of 10,033 fights won there were zero Weapons Parts dropped.
The reason Weapons Parts are so valuable is because they are needed to build certain weapons in the Weapons Depot.  The weapons themselves are not the main reason to get as many Weapons Parts as possible.  3 of the available weapons for building offer a bonus of skill points and that is what players want.
I build a Robber's Utility Belt and a Rebel 2 (from the Chop Shop) everyday that I remember.  Over half of my stamina pool came from doing this.
The last evidence of Weapons Parts dropping from fights that I could find was on July 16th.  The original image below is from TopMafia.Info.
Players were commenting on the discussion thread referenced above that BulletProof Glass and Rail Gun Barrels were no longer dropping.  Joanzie Malone explained that the rarer items do drop but a decreased rate will be noticed because of the addition of a more common part.
I decided to do a run and check it out myself.  My results for Weapons Parts were similar to those commenting on the discussion thread.  Out of 3006 fights won, I got 26 Weapons Parts, 1 Bulletproof Glass and 0 Railgun Barrels. The drop rate from Weapons Parts (0.865%) was not good at all and lower than it was when Weapons Parts used to drop from fights (1.38%).
Since I did the run, I calculated the drop rates for Fighting High End Loot.  I noticed these are a little bit lower than in the past.  My stamina run was only 3,073 so it's hard to say if the rates have decreased or if they just hadn't stabilized due to a smaller pool.  Here are the best loot items you can get from fighting.
Super Loot (FHEL2)
 Fighting High End Loot (FHEL)
In the beginning of August, Patrick and Bossy Don wanted to see if one city was better than another.  The two of them have very large stamina pools and they did runs to figure out the drop rates in all the cities.  I couldn't find the one done in New York but the results for the other cities are below.  I don't recall who did which run so they both get credit for all of them.  I thank them both for making this article possible and helping me everyday with learning this game. 


  1. At what level does the FEL2 start to drop?

  2. i got thousands of weapon parts from robbing before all this

  3. Good point... Zynga needs to fix the weapons part drop frquency


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