Sep 2, 2010

San Juan Is On For Some Players


I'm going off line and won't be able to cover "It's On In San Juan".  I have the following message when I log into my game.
(click on any image to enlarge)
Pistol Pete over at Spockholm Mafia Tools is doing an excellent job of covering this event.  Please click on the link to see how he is progressing.  He created the following image to help us.
Mr. Sim y0 has already finished!  Check out Big Lou's health on the gold level.  192,000 is crazy.


  1. The partial rollout sucks! I have plenty of stamina and pretty good health but without some help to beat the gold level round. I'm not going to be able to do it. I made it through the first two rounds on my own because not enough people in my family have the feature yet, so they can't help. That seems lame to me. Newbie players can still help on jobs in cities that they can't access yet. Family should be able to help on these fights.

  2. on the 3rd boss in gold level - he is 168,000 health.

    thats pretty crazy. each attack takes about 225 on my account.

    that means 750 hits to kill them. I only get 4 hits per energy refill and my health is 200! UGH

    still have 3 hours to go and about 95,000 k left on this boss!!!

  3. if u press "get started" button page will go to fight.then press expand and u will be able to fight san juan worked for me


    just tell me one does this guy able to pt vegas loot on wishlist??????

  5. If they added the item before Zynga didn't allow it to be added, it can stay on wishlist.

    As for fighting those level 3 bosses, with as many hp as they have count on using 1200 to 2000 stamina to beat them. Too rich for my blood, even with a refill and I don't want to waste RP on it(which might be what they're counting on ppl (lemmings) to do.

    Has anyone else noticed, they continue to test us to see what we'll put up with and just how many hoops we'll all jump through?


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