Two days ago I posted an article titled Free Gift Limits: Bug or Nerf. The good news is it's safe to say it's a bug, the bad news is "The Developers are working hard to fix it". For those of us affected, there isn't much we can do but wait for the magical day to arrive when we can accept Free Gifts again. I'm a little disappointed in how Zynga is handling the issue. I feel they could do a better job of informing us on the status of fixing this bug. Because of all the bonuses and promotional events (ie, Secret Drop, Pignatas) that use the gifting system, it's not fair to the many players who are affected. I first went to the Zynga Forum boards and added to a discussion thread titled Receiving Gifts.
I patiently waited for a status update from a moderator. All that was added after my post were more players having the same problem. I decided to create a customer support ticket and wanted to see if we would all be compensated for having to miss out on all the promotions. I was able to get a Live Chat session and was told that the Developers were working on it "literally as we speak". I asked to be compensated with all the items I would have to miss out on. I was told that "We will be informed of any compensation that we can credit players after the issue has been fixed". When I asked if I could inform my readers about this theoretical compensation, I got a response that was worded quite differently. Now Kirk said "I cannot guarantee anything as it is ultimately our developers that make the final decision on what we may credit". Here is a copy of the entire transcript.
Kirk H.: Hi, my name is Kirk H.. How may I help you?
Jennifer Patterson: Hi Kirk. I'm sure you are aware that some players can't accept any Free Gifts.
Jennifer Patterson: I'm one of them and would like to submit a screen shot. File attachment upload has started. The file gifts24.JPG (66.23KB) was received.
Kirk H.: Thank you, Jennifer
Jennifer Patterson: My timer gets reset after I wait out the time it tells me.
Kirk H.: We are in fact having some issues with the gifting system right now, but our developers are already working to correct these problems quite literally as we speak
Jennifer Patterson: I don't think it's intended by Zynga to limit the number of Free Gifts we can accept. I have over 6,000 in my mafia and get hundreds a day.
Jennifer Patterson: I want to ask if players who are affected by this will be compensated in any way.
Kirk H.: We will be informed of any compensation that we can credit players after the issue has been fixed
Jennifer Patterson: I can't accept Pignatas, Secret Drops, or Pints of Stout.
Jennifer Patterson: I should get the 3 loot items from the Secret Drops, The Gray Wolf, and enough Pints of Stout to complete Chapter 3 of Dublin.
Kirk H.: There are many bonuses going on right now with gifting, and that is why we are taking this issue so seriously. I ask that you remain patient until our developers have fixed these issues, Jennifer
Jennifer Patterson: I write a blog and would like to inform my readers about this.
Jennifer Patterson: Is it safe to say that those such as myself will get some kind of compensation for this?
Kirk H.: I cannot guarantee anything as it is ultimately our developers that make the final decision on what we may credit.
Jennifer Patterson: I also found a forum board thread and the moderator stated that the issue has been reported. Can you suggest that a Dev comment on the thread so we can all feel better about this?
Kirk H.: I will be happy to forward that suggestion directly to our developers for you, Jennifer
Jennifer Patterson: Here is the link.
Jennifer Patterson:
Kirk H.: Thank you. I will do this for you right after our chat has been concluded.
Jennifer Patterson: Ok, I appreciate it.
Kirk H.: It is my pleasure. Other than your last issue, is there anything else I can help you with today?
Jennifer Patterson: No that was it. Thank you again.
Kirk H.: I was happy to help. Have a great night! Thanks for contacting Zynga Customer Support. I'd appreciate it if you filled out a short three question survey about your experience chatting with me. The survey will appear after you disconnect by clicking the Disconnect button in the chat window, and then the Close button. Thanks again!
I don't have much confidence that I will be accepting any Free Gifts anytime soon. I asked Kirk if he could ask one of the developers to comment on the Zynga Forum Board post to let everybody know what's going on. Kirk promised that as soon as our chat session was over, he would pass along the message. I just checked the thread and there is nothing new added by any developers or moderators. Either Kirk never passed along the message or the developers didn't feel it was important enough to comment on. All of the players who can't accept gifts and participate in all the features think it's very important.
gifting started working again for me today! so happy. a week with no mbags, pigs, etc was hard!
ReplyDeleteNot yet working for me. Every gift I have tried to accept in the past several days has lead to a "internet cannot be displayed" screen. Gift & Link are then lost in cyber space. Just lost another one. What a drag. Just since the facebook recent changes. My cache is cleared daily, so problem not at my end.