Sep 23, 2010

Facebook Down


Yesterday I wrote about some players having trouble logging into Facebook (1). Today the problem seems more severe. 

We are experiencing an issue with a third-party networking provider that is making it difficult for some of you to connect to Facebook. We are in contact with this provider and working to fix the issue as soon as possible.

This time the cause is unclear as reported by the NY Daily News in the article titled No poking allowed: Facebook website goes down across the world
When I try to log into Facebook, I get the following error messages.
I'm in a few Skype Chat rooms so usually I know if the problem is with my computer or with everybody.  I saw that everybody was having the same issue.  Whenever I'm not sure if a site is down or if it's on my end, I go to the website  It's easy to find out.  Just go to the site, type in the URL in question, and wait for a response.
Here are my results after typing in
Thanks to Carmen and Alasip from the Skype Facebook & Zynga Podcast Chat Room for finding the article referenced above.

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately for me, downforeveryone showed me that it was just me!! :(

    exactly the same DNS error that you had in your pic.


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