Sep 23, 2010

Update on In-Game Gifting


Yesterday was all about the Facebook request and gifting changes.  I posted a screen shot of a gifting page within Mafia Wars.  It was very similar to the old one we loved but was yanked faster than we could embrace it.  Not all players have the new version and little was known about it.  Today Bossy Don of TopMafia.Info had a chance to talk to Joanzie Malone from Zynga and posted some additional information.  This was great work and I'm re-printing her entire post.  Click HERE to see the fan comments or to leave one as well.
Zynga message centre 2.0! New and Improved! by Bossy Don

Its currently in limited beta testing, I had a chance to grab hold of 'Jill' (Jonezie Malone) from Zynga and she had a chance to answer some of my questions about the new 'Zynga Message Centre'
It was rolled out yesterday, and is currently undergoing bug testing as well as fine
... turning before being slowly rolled out to the rest of the player base
(I'm not sure of a exact time, but their definition of slowly and mine can differ a lot)

The good news is it is being brought back to us Thank god!, and the other piece of news is old bugs die hard!
With the original Message centre, as well as the one that exists in Poker and now in other Zynga games if accepting a gift via the message centre, then accepting the same gift in Facebook within a short period of time, you can actually get the gift twice!

Now is this a bug, well yes it is, is it worth exploiting, well thats a hard question, for all the gifts we get, the only one i would say yes to is the armory parts just to upgrade your armory to level 10, once u get there is it eva worth doing so again?
Well for effort put in for reward gained id say no, mystery bags are common, and the chances of getting something good are slim, maybe for challenge mission items, but again for the effort of accepting each gift twice, and simply the time taken to do I don't think its worth it. It costs $5 for 21 RP, and 20RP buys you 56 Pint of Stout for the time taken to accept 56 Pints of stout TWICE you could of gone out and found one of the 'online' jobs and eared at least that amount of money in the same amount of time!

Edit: Just got word from 'jill' @ Zynga
"it's up to 50, still watching, I don't think 100 is ruled out but is not on for this portion of tests." - Whoooo 50 gifts! that i can live with!

1 comment:

  1. hi
    i have this new message centre with 1account out of 6.
    Its good to have this old style back again but its buggy at the moment.
    I accept the gifts quite quickly.then click send on the 1st which pops a window there then press x to close that
    same for the 2nd gift then the rest of the gifts pop a window up but its blank.
    hope they fix it on all names cos facebook request page is horrible now.hope this helps karl


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