Sep 8, 2010

Combined Equipment Scores and Fight Tournaments


The Mafia Wars Wiki and Blofeld's Loot List and Combat Calculator have added combined scores to all of their listed loot items.  If you haven't figured out how to use Blofeld's Item Analyzer, click HERE for my instruction guide.  

Mafia Wars Wiki 
 Blofeld's Item Analyzer
A combined category for sorting loot was also added to the analyzer.
The reason combined equipment scores are being recognized is the Las Vegas Fight Tournaments.  Your top equipment items used in the fight are selected based on their combined attack and defense scores.  Here is what the game says when you lose a tournament fight.
Combined scores were used in the past for PvP fighting.  According to the Mafia Wars Wiki Fight Page the old fight formula was as follows:
(MAFIA *(ATK + DEF Skill Points)) 
+EQUIPMENT(ATK + DEF Total Value of All Items Used)
You can see that both the attack and defense values for each piece of equipment used were added together.  This was known as the combined equipment combat score.  Because the overall attack and defense scores were separate from the combined combat score, what you saw as a tangible statistic (equipment attack and defense scores) didn't determine the outcome of a fight.  This explains why someone with a high attack or defense score could lose to someone with a much lower one.  To illustrate this, I'll use the Lloyds Spectre and the Kage Jet as examples.  For simplicity, I won't factor in mastery or other items with higher scores.  At the time these items were introduced to the game, they were great defensive vehicles.  Everybody wanted the Lloyds Spectre because it had the highest defense score (45 vs 42).  The Kage Jet was overlooked but it was actually the better vehicle to bring to a fight because it had a higher combined score (69 vs 63).  If you plug the difference into the combat equation, it comes out to 3,000 points (6 * 500 = 3,000).  The problem was the game chose what defensive vehicle would be used when you were attacked based on the highest defense score.  If you owned 500 Lloyds Spectres then those were going to be used.  The only way to ensure that the Kage Jet was used was to get rid of your Lloyds Spectres.  Doing this would cause your overall defense score to decrease by 1500 points (3-500 = 1,500).  Most players didn't want to see that and placed more value on an actual score than they did fighting strength.  This was a very confusing concept to comprehend, trust and explain.
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)
The fight formula for PvP fighting has been revised and combined scores are no longer used.  This cleared up any confusion that existed with combined combat scores.  Nobody really knows the the exact fight formula that is used today.  We do know that attacks use only the attack equipment scores and defending uses only the defense equipment scores.  It's also believed that there is a small luck factor thrown in like we see with robbing.
In-Game Fighting Rules and Tips
Las Vegas Tournament fights are a lot different than PvP fights.  You can only enter one tournament every four hours and a different fight equation is used.  I like that you don't need to worry about dumping your best attack or defense loot and the game will pick your best combined loot.  I don't like that I can't figure out how to win and it seems more like a crap shoot than a fight.  These tournaments are hard to win and it frustrates many players.  Everything you need to know can be found on the Mafia Wars Wiki Tournaments Page.  I learned much more from this page than I did from reading the game instructions.  There are 8 different classes of tournaments and the payouts increase with the level of difficulty.
Classes and Payouts
(click to enlarge)
In addition to the experience and V$, you also get rewarded with Fans and Victory Coins.  The number of Fans you have determines your rank.  As you gain Fans, your progress bar fills up.
 Rank Progress Bar
Tournament Ranks
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)
When you get 100, 2,000, and 10,000 Fans you get an achievement badge.  You also need to vault the respective collections before it is awarded.
Once you get 10,000 Fans, there aren't anymore achievements but you can aim for 20,000 Fans to get the World Champion title.  If you win, the experience/stamina ratios are great.  It cost 100 stamina to fight in the Heavy Weight World Championship.  The payout is 1,200 stamina giving you a ratio of 12:1!  Here is what I won in the Regional Championship.  I can never get past this one so I used the Wiki chart to show what you get in theory.
Heavyweight Tournament Regional Rewards
 Heavyweight Tournament World Rewards
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)

To start winning more of these tournaments, the Mafia Wars Wiki recommends you start collecting loot with high combined scores.  Here is a chart of the loot items they recommend you go after.  I love their category of "Getabilaity".  Only in Mafia Wars would such a word make any sense.
Top Combined Loot
(image from Mafia Wars Wiki)


  1. as always.. great explanations. You rock!! :)

  2. hmm but looks like the list doesn't include FHEL? they do have higher combined attacks isn't it? They won't be used in the tournaments?

  3. I believe both scores are still used but in a more logical way now. If an item has att/def of 20/50, someone attacking you will have to get past the defense of 50, and how much damage you get depends on how well they can do this.

    meantime, the attack value of your defensive item, at 20, is what causes damage to the attacker, thus, the higher the attack value to your defensive items, the more damage your attacker will get with each strike.

    If you are the attacker, your attack item may be at 50, with a defense of 20 and the damage you receive will be based on how well your victim's defense item's attack value gets past that low value of 20.

    Tt seems to usually play out this way when looking at the results of using such items.


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