Aug 21, 2010

Racks of Chips: Exchange All Button Added


Zynga actually reduced the number of clicks we would need to convert our Rack of Chips.  This is good news for those of you who don't use scripts and bad news for Pistol Pete of Spockholm Mafia Tools who worked very hard to created a bookmarklet called Chip Exchange that would convert all of your chips for you.
Not all is lost because you can tell Chip Exchange how many chips you want to convert.  If you want to store some of your chips and not cash them all in at once, this tool will be helpful.  When you need more than one but less than all of them, this is what to do so you don't end up clicking the "Exchange" button a whole bunch of times.  Click HERE for instruction on how to use this bookmarklet.
Now we have an in-game option to exchange one rack at a time or all of them at once.
Pistol Pete is always joking around and he actually applied for a job with Zynga and used is code name instead of his real name.  Below is the response he from Zynga.  Why would they want to hire him when they can just steal his ideas?  This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Dear Pistol Pete, 

Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to consider you for employment here at Zynga. We have reviewed your background and qualifications and find that we do not have an appropriate position for you at this time. We have some additional candidates who are even closer matches to the defined role, and we're currently moving along in the process with them. We appreciate your interest in Zynga and wish you success in your job search.

As you know, we are growing rapidly! As we continue to add new positions, we will already have your resume on file in order to consider you!
Thanks again for your interest in opportunities at Zynga. And best of luck in your career search!


The Zynga Recruiting Team


  1. I noticed that you are Level 14 in the Fight Mastery, but still you did not receive the Master Slayer Achievement for Level 12. I'm at Lvl 13 and I did not receive the Master Slayer Achievement as well.

  2. @Anonymous You actually have to buy the Achievement in the Marketplace with Victory Coins.

  3. @Pistol Pete, Oh I see, thanks for the info. Nice job btw on the bookmarklets.

  4. sorry to see the ,blow off letter zynga sent, there just greedy ...

  5. The "closer matches" are not nearly as tech qualified as Pete. Not with his background in Data Base Management. Not a chance. OVER qualified perhaps.

  6. Im sorry to say

    im sure Zynga knows who Pistol Pete is, and there hidden agenda is to keep him where he is, so that he may keep working on BMKs so that Z can keep the players playing.
    In the event of Pete getting a job with them in the near future, the current bookmarks will never go down, we would have our inside man, too fix them on Zynga's Dime
    Good Luck 007

  7. The zyngons are obviously very poorly managed, this was clearly evident with the "Armored Truck" stint. They looked very amaturish, unorganized, and even snoop didn't have a clue what Mafia Wars is. This unorganized and poorly managed company is very evident when you contact their customer support also. So quite frankly, I am not surprised one bit to see them turn Pistol Pete down. The wouldn't know a good thing of it landed squarely on their faces. They could probably eliminate a dozen jobs if pistol were to be hired by them. BTW Pistol.....would you actually take the job if they were to come to you with an offer. If i had your talents, i'm not sure that working for a sub-par company such as zynga would do me deserve much better than they could ever offer you Pete.

  8. I agree with Jason. Pete your not the Zynga type ;)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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