Aug 14, 2010

New Stamina Symbol


Since I'm not playing Mafia Wars this weekend, I'm going to utilize all the screen shots I haven't had time to post.  The Mafia Wars stamina symbol has changed and not for the better.
What was wrong with the old one? It's much cooler and better represents a mafia type of fight.  This new one is just a big flame and reminds me of the universal symbol for flammability that I used to see all over the Chemistry Lab.
This symbol needs to be in a game like Cafe World and not Mafia Wars.  I guess they want Mafia Wars to look more jovial.  I got the following image of what the new energy symbol will look like from a friend whose baby daddy is a friend of a cousin who knows somebody that works at Zynga.


  1. the same is true about the change of the new health symbol, if you noticed it changed to a heart. just one of many ways they are trying to soften the image of the game.

  2. talk about softening ... the new energy refill symbol looks like the gay flag was blended w an odd mish-mash of a triangle and a trapezoid. nothing exciting about.

    also agree that the new stamina/attack symbol misses the point of the game. don't like it.

  3. @Anonymous #2, that was a joke. I created the energy symbol image myself. Sorry for the confusion.


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