Aug 14, 2010

The Boycott: One More Update


David Reedy, the creator of No Play, Click or Trade has posted his final statement about the Event and what happened in his notes.  You can read it here or click the title to be directed to his notes so you can view the comments.
Boycott Info by David Reedy
Here's what happened...
We got played... plain and simple...

Zynga told us that if we played ball and took down the event we'd be included in ongoing talks with the developers, etc.
That combined with that fact that Facebook had the event SO screwed up that we could no longer edit, change, alter or update anything on it made it difficult to keep people in the loop. Nor could we send messages to the supporters.

I say WE, because, contrary to popular belief, it was not ME, but MANY who planned, organized and launched the event. We carefully planned it AS AN EVENT and not as a group. We wanted to be noticed by MW and have a voice there for the trading community and daily players as a whole.
I am not now, nor have I ever been the leader of this or any event. I am merely ONE member who is a part of the United group. I am a coordinator, if you will... NOT an instigator. Those who know me know this to be the truth.

I had an urgent business call that took me away for a while and I missed the chat session with the devs. I have read the transcripts and am HIGHLY unimpressed. They "allowed" our people in at the last few minutes and it was more like a bullshit session. That ANYTHING good came of it is pure crap. 

My friends... we got played... just as many detractors said we would.
All I can do is offer my apologies for believing their smoke and mirrors game and failing you, the supporters. 
For those who believed in the cause, this is no time to stand down. This is the time to stand STRONG!
I see a LOT of fight in you people. Use it positively!

As my message on my wall stated... I am following through with the planned boycott. I have stopped playing and will SURELY stop paying MW for the privilege to bend over and take it up my arse! I'm not sure what part of that was unclear to people! I eluded to the fact that I was intending to state it in a manner in which wouldn't jeopardize the scheduled talks, but they turned out to be bullshit anyway.
If you think I failed you, I apologize. But I don't think I did.
I think the event got you all fired up and motivated to come together in for a real purpose. You are standing united. Don't lose that fire! Keep it and join the revolution. It's OUR game. WE are the players. WE are the customers. WE pay to make it happen. 

To the supporters of the boycott, I salute you!
Stand tall and stick to your guns. Tell Zynga we're pissed off and we want our voice... FOR REAL!!
As for me... I plan on NOT playing MW for the weekend. Monday morning I will log in and start sending all my Brass Knuckles and Butterfly Knives to ANYONE who will send them back and forth repeatedly!
They want us to gift shit to our Mafias... FINE! I WILL! And I'll do it by their riles. No chucker, just an auto clicker! I'll use their shit tools and send their shit loot to everyone I can!

This isn't over yet.
Stay thirsty, my friends!


  1. We got played... plain and simple...

    Get a clue people! This is the second time in 8 months.

    Next time don't negotiate with Zynga until the first weekend boycott is over and then you threaten them with another weekend.

    You lost your leverage with Zynga when you pulled your site down.

  2. derrrr. .. they got u roped up like zombies, we are their humble cash cows and lesser being after all... they suck at the teet of profit... and we all know the source of that,

    .... wat i been saying if uve noticed my posts ;D... is that they are communists now, the biggest social network gaming parlour, much like microsoft is evil with programs and mcdonalds is evil with beef, they are evil with social gaming and have a social agenda, trying to change your state of being....

    , ull have to hit them hard, and that wud be their idealogy and stockholders... organise another fast, they want u to give up after all...

    (if they come back, well they are serious kind of thing)

    ... just this time go back with the bad emphasise on gambling for what is basically a *kids* pastime, very insidious behaviour, I dont trust em... anyways the truth is the truth... and zynga are just another corp under the umbrella of Globalisation

  3. they will like mcdonalds, introduce a salad... but u will still see really fat american's go there, they know their audience too well


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