Aug 14, 2010

Get Your "Schwag" From Zynga!


Zynga is pulling out all the stops to get us to play Mafia Wars this weekend.  They are even offering a contest and we can win some free weed.  Today Victoria Was Here made a sticky post titled Fan Page Sweepstakes on the Zynga Forum Boards.  We are supposed to check The Mafia Wars Fan Page for updates and send more of our personal information to Zynga.  Now they want my address and phone number too!  All this to win a "Mafia Wars Schwag Pack filled with some awesome goodies" like "Vegas-themed schwag" and "cool Mafia Wars schwag".  Zynga must not realize that "Schwag" is actually a term used to describe bad weed.  I'm still laughing about this.
Here is the definition from The Urban Dictionary.
adj. Term used to describe low grade marijuana. This type of marijuana is usually brown, seedy, dry. The term is also used by many pot heads to describe anything that is low grade. noun. low grade marijuana
adj- Ewww this schwag ass weed tastes horrible and it didnt get me very high.
noun- I hate smoking schwag, but i cant get any dank right now so i guess i'll have to.
Unless they save some of the Schwag they've been smoking and are planning to give it to us, the term they were looking for is swag.
Promotional merchandise for a band, record label, or other entity in the music business, usually distributed at concerts.

May include t-shirts, stickers, promo CDs, posters, etc. Often free, but not necessarily; a t-shirt or record purchased at a concert might still be considered swag, especially if it is a design or release that is not readily available in the mass market.

Many independent record labels throw in a handful of free swag when they ship out mail-order packages (stickers, sampler CDs, etc).

The chief difference between swag and regular merchandise is that its purpose is not to make a profit, but to promote the band/label, and reward its supporters by giving them something cool and unique.
I picked up some great swag at the concert last night.

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Default Fan Page Sweepstakes!

Hey Mafia Wars fans,

In celebration of the Mafia Wars Armored Truck Blow-Up event (, we'll be hosting an additional mini sweepstakes on the Mafia Wars fan page!

Starting Saturday, August 14th and going through Aug 18th, be on the lookout for 5 updates to the official Mafia Wars fan page ( with "Contest Day" in the title (i.e.: "Contest Day 1"). When you see a post with this in the title, send an email to with "I wanna get 10 million to Las Vegas and help blow up the truck!" as the subject, and provide the following information:

1) Full Name
2) Mailing Address
3) Mafia Wars Profile Link
4) Date of Birth
5) Primary Email
6) Phone Number (optional)

If you're one of the first 60 to respond for the day, you'll be the lucky winner of a Mafia Wars Schwag Pack filled with some awesome goodies. At the end of the 5th day, we'll select 3 Grand Prize winners at random from all the eligible entrants (except those who’ve already won a Schwag Pack), and will give them each an iPod!

The Rules
-From August 14th through 18th, watch for status updates on the Mafia Wars fan page with "Contest Day" in the title (i.e.: "Contest Day 1").
-When you see a status update on the fan page, send an email with the above requested info to
- Entrants must be in compliance with the Facebook Terms of Use ( and the Zynga Terms of Service (
-The first 60 people to respond will win for that Contest Day
-One entry per person per contest day. Only the first entry from a mailing address will be accepted as an entry per contest day. (In other words, only one person from each household can win per contest day)
-Winners will be notified within 5 to 7 days of each Contest Day
-If you are one of the winners, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your prize
-Contest void where prohibited by law

The Prizes
-Mafia Wars Schwag Pack for 300 winners
-An iPod for 3 Grand Prize winners, to be chosen at random from all entrants who did not win a Schwag Pack

Good luck to everyone! Stay tuned for the contest, and click here to play Mafia Wars:


  1. Freakin' hilarious take on MW's schwag event! LMFAO!!! You continue to slay me, Jen!

  2. can I have some shwag... I want to get very stoned... it's not bad, it's only bad when u use it for power... :D

  3. You'd think Snoop Dog could afford some good stuff...


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