Aug 31, 2010

It's On In San Juan


I noticed a new banner on my game tonight.  "It's On In San Juan" and the "Fight Starts Thurs 9/2".  No additional information is provided.  Because of the mysteriousness and the phrase "Fight Starts", this reminds me of the "Feds Are Watching Banner" that we all got sick of looking at.  It's probably a safe bet to assume that San Juan will be very similar to The Feds.  Let hope all the bugs are gone and this one won't be pulled a few times.
There is a Zynga Forum Board discussion thread titled It's On in San Juan. No moderators commented and so far it's all speculation.  Some players point out that The Feds required a lot of stamina and it's bad timing since the stamina refills from playing Treasure Isle just got nerfed (1).  
In addition to Events, Zynga also loves to recycle graphics.  If the guy on the banner looks familiar to you it's because he already has a home in the game.  You can find him the first time you enter Cuba.
This would be more realistic if San Juan was in Cuba but it's the Capital City of Puerto Rico.  Maybe the Cuban guy wants to start his life over in San Juan.  I bet he wishes Zynga would just leave him alone!


  1. "I bet he wishes Zynga would just leave him alone"

    Nyc one...

  2. lol Zynga busted by detective loot lady :) Waiting to see what this is all about. Hope its not another fight event like feds

  3. not another event :O ughhh.. good god! ;-l

  4. Why do they seem to always run a double event, trying to do bollywood in the time limit and now we have to also do san juan in the same time.

  5. i think san juan will need bulk of stamina not energy!!

  6. oh my God...... another fight a thon...

  7. yea level bronze on san juan is 1 stamina per hit level silver 2 stamina per hit and level gold 3 stamina per hit its only working on some accounts my old 1 it works my new 1 it says i have to wait heres the picture for the items peeps !!!!


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