Aug 8, 2010

Evil Ed Live Chat Session


I don't have a lot of time to be on-line this weekend so I'm posting this transcript of The Zynga Customer Support Live Chat session between Evil Ed and Felix C. This is for entertainment purposes only and you will learn nothing new about Mafia Wars. At the Evil Ed Podcast, we enjoy making fun of Evil Ed and waste a lot of time doing so. It's only because we like him and he is always a good sport about it. 

Here is a copy of a file I created for Ed which makes fun of his most recent live chat session.

Chat Transcript 08/06/2010 12:44 PM

[12:21:18 PM] Felix C.: Hi, my name is Felix C. How may I help you?

[12:21:42 PM] eduardo verde: HAHAHA!! Its Felix ya doing bro?

[12:22:27 PM] eduardo verde: Well this is the problem Felix....

[12:22:28 PM] Felix C.: Pretty good. How are you?

[12:22:33 PM] Felix C.: Yes?

[12:22:46 PM] eduardo verde: OK... just more problems with your game...

[12:22:58 PM] Felix C.: What is the issue?

[12:23:52 PM] eduardo verde: When I try to invite new players to your game...

"For the Contest"... the screen is only 1/2 way down, and I cant access the send button

[12:25:11 PM] Felix C.: By contest, are you talking about the sweepstakes or the new job

to unlock district 6?

[12:25:35 PM] eduardo verde: I just tried to send out invites.. 10 differant times...

and the stupid screen wont allow me access to the send button...

and time is running out on the Job and the contest...

[12:25:55 PM] eduardo verde: District6

[12:26:36 PM] eduardo verde: ...Ive been trying to send invite since 6am...

[12:26:47 PM] Felix C.: I was curious.

[12:27:31 PM] Felix C.: Posts in Las Vegas are not working properly.

I am sorry, but there is no fix for this at this time. I will place you on a mailing list to be notified

once this has been corrected. Other than your last issue, is there anything else I can help

you with today?

[12:27:58 PM] eduardo verde: JEEZ!!!! Not again?.....

[12:28:28 PM] Felix C.: I am sorry, but that is the reason it isn't working.

[12:28:53 PM] eduardo verde: everytime I contact you guys...I get the same post from you all...

what the point in even contacting you guys?

[12:29:43 PM] eduardo verde: Time is gonna run out...and once again...I WILL FAIL!

[12:29:56 PM] Felix C.: I am sorry, but these are issues that

our developers are working on.

[12:29:57 PM] eduardo verde: ...This is not fun!

[12:30:05 PM] Felix C.: What do you mean by time running out.

[12:30:17 PM] Felix C.: The job doesn't have a time limit.

[12:30:16 PM] eduardo verde: ...will they restart the clock?

[12:30:22 PM] Felix C.: One moment while I check.

[12:30:37 PM] eduardo verde: yes it has a timer

[12:31:03 PM] eduardo verde: ...I have less than 6 hours left

[12:31:14 PM] Felix C.: The timer is for you.

[12:31:24 PM] Felix C.: You cannot redo the job until it is up.

[12:31:40 PM] eduardo verde: ...why would they have a timer, if there wasnt a time limit?

[12:31:44 PM] Felix C.: This keeps one person from doing this thousand of time a day.

[12:32:14 PM] Felix C.: They are trying to get everyone to participate.

[12:32:23 PM] Felix C.: Not just a few mouse happy users.

[12:32:34 PM] eduardo verde: ....oh, I get it... well there are no instructions...LMAO

[12:32:52 PM] Felix C.: I agree and understand why you were confused.

[12:32:55 PM] eduardo verde: ....still it wont let me send so...

[12:33:09 PM] Felix C.: Yes, we are aware of this.

[12:33:23 PM] Felix C.: You could make your own post on Facebook.

[12:33:29 PM] Felix C.: Telling your mafia about it.

[12:33:38 PM] Felix C.: But in the meantime, there is no quick way to do this.

[12:34:15 PM] eduardo verde: ...........

I will on Evil Ed's Podcast!

[12:34:38 PM] Felix C.: Cool, I'll check it out sometime!

[12:34:50 PM] eduardo verde: Id love to have ya on the Show....since I cant get "Mark"

[12:34:58 PM] Felix C.: Mark?

[12:35:04 PM] eduardo verde: ....Pinkus

[12:35:18 PM] eduardo verde:

[12:35:33 PM] eduardo verde: ...oh well

[12:36:14 PM] eduardo verde: .....Did I spell his name wrong?

[12:36:19 PM] eduardo verde: hahaha!

[12:36:29 PM] Felix C.: Not familiar with him.

I assume your talking about a developer.

[12:36:49 PM] eduardo verde: ....yup, the president of Zynga

[12:37:29 PM] eduardo verde: ...he's the guy that signs your checks

[12:37:51 PM] eduardo verde: .....Well I guess thats it....

[12:37:59 PM] Felix C.: So that's what that scribble at the bottom says! lol.

[12:38:17 PM] eduardo verde: ....hahaha!

[12:40:07 PM] Felix C.: Do you have any other questions for me about Mafia Wars?

[12:38:31 PM] eduardo verde: ....your a good guy Felix...

[12:40:08 PM] Felix C.: Thanks.

[12:39:28 PM] eduardo verde: ...I'll say this, CS is doing a Fine Job....I just wish they would or could

fix the %$#@!!! Game!!! HAHAHA!

[12:39:53 PM] eduardo verde: CS= Customer Service

[12:40:33 PM] eduardo verde: ....yes...

do I get any FREE RP Love?

[12:40:38 PM] eduardo verde: HAHAHA!

[12:40:48 PM] Felix C.: The game will be fixed and you will be notified when it has.

I am sorry, but no.

[12:40:54 PM] eduardo verde: DOH!

[12:41:03 PM] eduardo verde: I have FAILED!!!

[12:41:06 PM] Felix C.: You should know that I cannot give them away for free and no reason.

[12:41:25 PM] Felix C.: I like my job and do not wish to get fired.

[12:41:56 PM] eduardo verde: ...well wasting my time on a broke game is a Major Reason...but,

I dont want you to lose your

[12:42:28 PM] eduardo verde: Best of luck Felix....and have a great day!

[12:42:40 PM] Felix C.: You too!

Thanks for contacting Zynga Customer Support. I'd

appreciate it if you filled out a short three question survey

about your experience chatting with me. The survey will

appear after you disconnect by clicking the Disconnect

button in the chat window, and then the Close button.

Thanks again!

[12:43:00 PM] eduardo verde: ...Dont forget to listen to


[12:43:23 PM] Felix C.: I'll check it out.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Nice, Jenn!

  2. If you use the tab key you can scroll down when oages half load.

  3. OMG that is to funny. They are nice to windge to though. Gift you for the agony. Freak'n energy drops not working , slab of cheese annoying. Guess I'll have to call in again. I want their job!!!


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