Aug 25, 2010

Beta Live Updates Revisited


When I first wrote about Beta Live Updates, it had just come out and didn't really seem that much better than the player updates we are used to.  I checked it out again today and I have to say I'm impressed.  To view yours, click on the the icon located on the top of your Mafia Wars game.
You will notice that sometimes a number appears on the icon.  This will store up to 100 updates.
In addition to going further back in time than the normal Player Updates Beta Live Updates also lets you sort your updates in 3 different categories, Recent, Type, and Person.
Recent will list all types of updates in the order they occurred.  In this example, it went back 10 hours.
Sorting by Type will group everything that happened into a bunch of different categories.  I wasn't too happy to see that I was attacked 706 times!
From the Attacked category, click on "See All" and it will list all of the attacks individually along with the results.  You can click on "View attacker" and you will be directed to your attackers Mafia Wars profile.
You can look here for people needing help with Jobs but you will find that most of the times you are too late and only get the $1,000 bonus.  From Job Help, click on "See All" and then click on "Help".
Sorting by person really didn't add anything useful to the updates.  It just lists events that occurred by each person.
While reviewing my updates, I found Yonks of Top Mafia.Info!

1 comment:

  1. well the same happens in treasure isle.....u just need to find a treasure....and it doesnt take so long to find it....just a few clicks and bingo....u get a stamina refill.....but u neeed to go thru the promo link in mafia thing is to save the link with u.....thts wht i have done it for me....if u want i can share the link wd everybody and u all can benift from it


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