Jul 15, 2010

New Player Updates


If you wonder what the this icon located on the top of your Mafia Wars game is, it's for a new version of the player updates. I found a Zynga Forum Board thread discussing this and it appears that not all players have it yet.  It's called Beta Live Updates and so far seems to be the same as the player updates.  Mine only goes back 1 hour which is less than the current player updates.  Someone in the forum thread reported that his went back for 16 hours.  That would make this feature well worth it.  Hopefully this version with an extended time range will stick around.  To keep track of this, follow the discussion thread on The Zynga Forum Boards titled, New icon at top of page??. (click on images to enlarge)

1 comment:

  1. i hate it bcoz it reload everytime with click help/bonus.stream helper is much better than this. znyga should learn from that programmer/spockholm!


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