Jul 26, 2010

Las Vegas Consumables


There isn't a lot of data out on the exact number of consumables needed to complete each District in Las Vegas.  Most of the detailed information on Las Vegas can be found by going to the Mafia Wars Wiki Las Vegas Page, and clicking on each District link.  At the time of this post, the Mafia Wars Wiki Consumables Page has not been updated to include the Las Vegas Consumables.  As players make progress and edit the pages, Las Vegas will eventually be complete.  If you know the answers to any of the uncompleted sections, feel free to to make an edit and update them.  That's what the Mafia Wars Wiki is all about.  Da Irish Kid, one of the main moderators and contributors has had a family emergency and should be back soon.  Please be patient and have positive thoughts for him.   
Yesterday one of my mafia members, Mark Galingan, ‹«ɱ@ȑḳṏβέ⑧»›, went to each Mafia Wars Wiki District page and calculated the number of each consumable needed for complete mastery of each District and created the following chart.  Because there is missing data, Districts 2 and 3, Level 4 were estimated at 3% mastery.  If you find this is not the case, please comment so we can change the data in our charts.
(click on images to enlarge)
I took the data from Marks chart and created my own.  I will update this as changes occur and more Districts are added to Las Vegas. 

It's important to know these numbers so you can ensure you make enough of them while you are on the lowest level of mastery.  This will save you a lot of energy down the road because it's costs a lot less to make them on the Bronze Level than it does on the Ruby Level.  For example, to make one Car Key Copy requires 8 energy points on the Bronze Level but 64 on the Ruby Level.  Don't be too eager to get your Bronze Star.  Always check and make sure you have enough consumable items before moving on.  As of now none of these items are giftable.  It's possible that once the Beta testing phase is over they will be, but Zynga doesn't seem to like making things we can actually use giftable anymore.

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