Jul 17, 2010

Facebook Credits


Ever since this image started appearing above our Mafia Wars game, there have been a lot of questions about Facebook Credits.
There was a great deal of information about Facebook Credits, but I never could get an answer to the million dollar question.  How many Facebook Credits are needed to buy X number of Mafia Wars Reward Points?

I first went to the Facebook Help Center and there are several pages to answer just about every question I could think of.  Facebook Credits are virtual currency and can be used to buy virtual goods in many games and applications.  I also visited the Zynga Support Center and pretty much got the same information.   

Next, I clicked on the banner we see on top of our Mafia Wars game and Mafia Wars was included as one of these games.
Next, I clicked on "Get Info", and then "Get Credits"
From here, I decided to take one for the team and actually buy 200 Facebook Credits because everything I read about them indicates that 200 is the minimum amount that can be used to buy Reward Points.
Great, now I have 215 Facebook Credits.  I then went to the Mafia Wars Marketplace to redeem them and could not find a way to do this.  There was no Facebook option on my account to buy Reward Points with.
I was frustrated because I've seen others report that this option is available.  On July 8th, Mafia Wars Maniac wrote an article about the introduction of Facebook Credits and has a screen shot showing the option was available at that time.
I searched everywhere and could not find a way to use my newly acquired Facebook Credits for Mafia Wars.  I was very lucky because the Live Zynga Support Chat option was available and I somewhat got an answer.  At least I knew I could stop searching because I learned that the Facebook option to buy Reward Points has not been implemented yet.  I was told that the conversion of Facebook Credits to Reward Points would be 1:1.  When I pointed out that this would be a much better deal than Zynga offers (almost 50% cheaper), Kirk fessed up and admitted he really didn't know.  Bottom line is we will all have to wait to find out who we should be buying our Reward Points from. 
Kirk H.: Hi, my name is Kirk H.. How may I help you?
Jennifer Patterson: Hi Kirk, I just purchased 200 Facebook Credits and want to use them to buy Reward Points for Mafia Wars.  When I go to my Zynga account, I don't have the option to use them.
Kirk H.: Unfortunately, you aren't able to convert Facebook credits into Godfather Points yet. I'm sorry for the confusion.
Kirk H.: This will be implemented very soon, but at this time, is still currently unavailable.
Jennifer Patterson: Is this for everybody or just for me?  Do you know how many Reward Points 200 Facebook Credits will be worth?
Kirk H.: It is for everyone, not just you, and I believe it will be a 1:1 conversion.
Jennifer Patterson: So I would get 200 Reward points for 200 Facebook Credits?  That sounds like a better deal than Zynga offers.
Kirk H.: I believe so, but I am not quite sure to be perfectly honest.
Jennifer Patterson: ok, I'll be patient and wait.  This is a popular question right now and I can't find the answer anywhere.  Thank you so much.
Kirk H.: No problem, Jennifer. Have I answered all your Mafia Wars questions today?
Jennifer Patterson: Those will never ALL be answered but for now I'm good, thanks again.
Kirk H.: Thanks for contacting Zynga Customer Support. I'd appreciate it if you filled out a short three question survey about your experience chatting with me. The survey will appear after you disconnect by clicking the Disconnect button in the chat window, and then the Close button. Thanks again!
(oops, my bad, I forgot to answer the survey.)

For now there are options to get Facebook Credits for free.  Mafia Wars Maniac has all of these covered.  Ade and her friends Cohen, Geovannie, and Lamar did a wonderful job showing us what games we can play and how many credits we can get.  Click HERE to find out all about it.  Since I have 215 of them, I will pass on playing these games.


  1. Nice job, thank you

  2. Thanks, Jen.. :)
    Hopefully they prepare for this before releasing new feature :/

  3. Thanks for finding out the answer....

  4. Hmmmmm, still no option. I wonder if that could be considered breach of contract?

  5. right now you can earn facebook credits free just by searching here http://www.4loot.com/?id=26993&src=em

  6. From July to March, and still they have not set up a conversion? If I had payed for my credits, I would be furious, as it is I am totally frustrated. As it sits they are meaningless and worthless.


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