Jun 27, 2010

Sneak Attack: Arun's Mafia Helpers


Nobody likes to see this guy in their Mafia Wars message box.  He appears when someone declares a war on you and he lets you know if you won, lost or have a war in progress.  Zynga, in their infinite wisdom, will only let you declare war on a family member.  Declaring and participating in wars used to be worth the effort because you got 3 experience points and a loot item for doing so.  Zynga took away the experience point bonus and now you just get a crappy piece of loot.  The only reason I see to utilize the war feature is if you are working on your Veteran Achievement Badge.
The rules for declaring war are easy but the psychological ramifications of this action can be complex.  Some of my mafia members make it very clear on their Facebook profile pages that they don't like it.  There is even a group you can join to post profile links of the people who declare war on you and the group members will attack them.

How I react varies depending on my mood.  If I'm in a bad mood, I will go to extremes while taking it out on the person who declared war on me.  If I'm busy, I won't care enough to do anything.  A happy medium for me is to use the "Sucker Punch" option.  I don't think one punch in the face is enough and it takes too long to punch someone multiple times.  Most of the time I have to wait until the person regenerates their health.

Sneak Attack is a program written by Arun that will punch one of your mafia members in the face repeatedly until they are iced or you run out of stamina.  If your target is dead, bookmark their profile link and use this program later.  Sneak Attack will let them know that you noticed they declared war on you and that you are not happy about it. This saves me time because I don't have to deal with all the steps required to re-add someone to my Facebook friends list and mafia once they see I was mad and apologize.  I'm too soft and always forgive them.  Sneak attack can be used on anybody.  It doesn't do as much damage as an attack but your target will stay alive longer and you can punch more times than you can attack them before they die.  To start using Sneak Attack, follow the instructions below:

1.  Go to the Arun's Mafia Wars Tools Website.
2.  Click, drag and drop Sneak Attack into your bookmarklet toolbar.  If you are new to using bookmarklets, read my articles about bookmarklet installation and common problems with bookmarklet use.
3.  Go to the Mafia Wars profile page of the person you would like to punch in the face.  From your bookmarklet tool bar, click on Sneak Attack once and you will be asked if you would like the program to unframe your Mafia Wars game, click OK.  Once the game is unframed click on Sneak Attack a second time to activate the program.  If nothing happens than you probably need to clear your cache.  If you don't know how to do this, click HERE.  If everything is done correctly, your Mafia Wars screen will look like the second screen shot below.

4.  Enter the number of times you want to punch and click on "START PUNCHING".
The program can't punch if your target is dead or you don't have any have stamina.

-The Target is Iced or too weak:
-You don't have any stamina points:
-A successful run.  The log will tell you the total damage done to your target by adding the the damage amounts of each individual punch in the face. 
5.  Enjoy the satisfaction you feel knowing that your target will have the following messages in their player updates.


  1. can i kill somebody with continious punching?

  2. I send in the boost busters with this and then the hitters can go to work. Like a pit bull on your leg. Pointless? I think not.


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