Jun 24, 2010

Crime Spree Bookmarklet, Part 2


A while back there was a glitch which allowed us to open a unlimited number of Crime Spree safes.  The Arch-Angel Nemesis hooked us up discovering this glitch and writing a script to facilitate it.  The glitch was patched but the bookmarklet stuck around because it could be used to open safes without having to go through multiple windows to accept each one.  The glitch is back and the original bookmarklet supports it.  This is great because on June 23rd a second generation of crime spree gifts were introduced and a mastery item called the Trouble Maker is awarded for gaining ten levels.  See the Mafia Wars Wiki Crime Spree Page to learn more about the changes and the gifts you can receive.  For complete instructions on using this bookmarklet, read the article I wrote when the tool was first introduced by clicking this link--> Arch-Angel Nemesis Crime Spree Bookmarklet.
You must have at least ONE safe waiting to open.  If you don't have one, send a request to a friend or another account and have them send it to you ASAP.
From the Arch-Angel Nemesis Website:
From me when I gained 10 levels:
From the Mafia Wars Wiki Trouble Maker Page:


  1. Are you sure the glitch still works? I can get the bm to work, but not the mulriple sending of gifts

  2. It could stop working at any time. I last used it about an hour ago. You have to have at least one crime spree safe to open or it will not work.

  3. not working now 4 me but helped many thanks


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