Oct 29, 2015

ZMC Maintenance: 10/30/2015


Uh Oh! Zynga is gonna mess with the ZMC tomorrow. The last 2 times they did this, it didn't work out for them [1]. Hopefully they are trying something different. This could have to do with possible upcoming changes giving Facebook users the opportunity to block annoying invites from games (thanks to Tommy Doaks for the link) [1]. We don't know if the game will go down but we do know that you will lose all of your gifts. This isn't a huge deal because there isn't much anyone would want in the ZMC these days. While they are at it, they could easily remove 90% of the free gifts.

Important: Message Inbox service will be under maintenance on October 30th 2015. Click HERE to know more.


  1. I wasn't aware that there were any problems with the gift center....there are so many things that seem to need tending to and the choose something that ain't broke


  2. May be unrelated but unable to collect defeated boss loot

  3. Did they do the maintenance? I lost no gifts.

  4. has anyone worked out what, if anything they have changed? I still get errors, long delays and unresponsive clicks when trying to accept gifts.


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