Apr 30, 2015

ZMC Issues


If you try to send a gift, you will be asked for ‘additional permissions’. If you are able to click the ‘Allow’ button (nothing happens for some players), you are told to reload and your friends list will re-populate. That would be great but it doesn’t happen. When you reload the ZMC (or Mafia Wars for that matter) you go right back to where you started and it can become an endless loop if you keep trying. The news feeds are jacked, the ZMC is too so what's next? While we wait for Zynga to address and try to fix these things, they will be busy releasing new events. To work around this issue, the Gift Blaster will work when gifting to players who don't have APP scoped ID#s different from their Facebook ID#s. Thanks to Kent Nielsen for sending me this information.



  1. I was asked for extended permissions just for arriving on the home page of the game.

  2. I ran across that issue asking for limited time property parts. It was an endless loop until I checked the don't show this again box. After that my request went out as it should have.......not that anybody is left to send me parts anymore, lol.


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