Apr 15, 2015

Farewell to the South Africa Map


As mentioned in a previous post, the South Africa Map is no longer available. I’m not 100% sure when it was removed but based on other evidence the reason is to prepare for a shutdown. The Map was useless but South Africa wasn’t. The properties that supply energy and stamina as well as the Crew Bonuses and stamina jobs will be missed. I’m not sure why they chose to remove South Africa instead of older destinations like Brazil, Chicago or London. Maybe there isn’t room for 3 high energy destinations in the game.



  1. Maybe there isn’t room for 3 high energy destinations in the game

    Then get rid or Los Angeles...biggest failure by far!

  2. Shame it's not London going - that's useless. Brazil has properties that yield good energy/stamina; Chicago has rob squads. London's just rubbish.

    I wonder if SA going is somehow linked to FB changes - the coding must be more complex than the older, simpler cities, and maybe it'd just be too much effort to rewrite the SA code?

  3. If they had to rewrite any city-specific code due to FB changes, that's a poor design pattern at work - a properly written FB game application should have the city subroutines handle FB interfacing via a wrapper object - anyway, SA is too similar with all the other, newer destinations (e.g. Mexico) to justify that reasoning


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