Jun 1, 2014

Lucky Streak: Final Free Spin


Today is the last free spin for the Lucky Streak. Tomorrow we will see many angry players reporting that they didn’t get a free spin for the day. I didn’t get enough numbers for a mastery items but 10 free pieces of loot for doing pretty much nothing is good enough for me. How did you do?


1 comment:

  1. I'm personally more upset about a missed spin or two last weekend from the bug affecting this and the daily streak on my mini, as what worked to fix the issue on my main did not work on the mini until about monday or tuesday.

    On the other hand, I'm not even sure that yellow text concerning June 1st even APPEARED on my version of the lucky streak - in fact, I kept thinking "Isn't there usually a time limit where the free spins stop, because I'm not seeing one this time?"


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