Apr 27, 2014

Stuck in Joburg


Last weeks introduction of the Groot Finale! achievement was not something good for players who have been stuck in Joburg [1]. No matter what these players do, they can’t get the game to recognize mastery. This bug is something different than the other stuck type of bugs we normally see in Secret Districts [1]. Clicking each of the 20 jobs does nothing to get one unstuck. From using different browsers, devices and platforms to clearing caches and disabling extensions, nothing works. It’s not even the same job, in the examples below you can see that one player is stuck on the Silver Level of one job and the other has the Ruby Level job mastered but he wasn’t given a star so the game doesn’t think he has mastered the job. Both players are unable to earn the Groot Finale! achievement. This issue has also been reported on the Player Support site but has gone unanswered [1]. If you have this issue, please comment and provide your Facebook ID in case a developer or someone who can do something about it is reading this. Players who are eligible to contact Customer Support may find help there. If you have found a workaround for this issue, please let us know. Thanks to Miran Mohorčič and Edward Larson for the screen shots.



  1. Ola :)
    That is my problem which i commented on the other post!
    If there is a solution i will provide an ID but only then.

    1. If there is a solution then there would be no need for your ID. I only asked that in case the developers try to fix it then it would help them to see which accounts have the issue. Since many don't have access to Customer Support, I can also send the ID#s to them. But it's totally up to you, I was just trying to help players with this issue because it would really suck.

    2. your right Jen, i forgot about that and you have no need to publish the ID's here :)

      MWID: p|71280089
      FBID: 100000307458508

  2. I have a differen probem. I reached level 130,000 and now in negative. How can i contact Zynga to raise it higher so i can get to that 142k level?

  3. I've been trying to get this fixed since they opened South Africa. Job 1 in Joburg is stuck at 100% mastery of the bronze level. I've posted in various places about this but not had access to Zynga "support" because I no longer pay to play. My FB ID is 100000259639432 FWIW.

  4. stop one jog in a gold ( have 100 % )
    MWID: p|69057013
    FBID: 100000391867078

  5. MWID: p|68616298
    FBID: 100000303858304

  6. MWID: p|146190695
    FBID: 100003194417786

  7. Not stuck in Joburg, but mastered bronze level, working on the silver level, and no collection parts......another bug???

  8. MWID: p|152292607
    FBID: 100006449562899


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