Apr 27, 2014

The Next ‘South Africa’ Boss Fight Events


Now that we have conquered or ignored the Lords Of Lesotho and the Swazi Smackdown some of you may wonder what’s next. It just so happens that Zynga has a few more options left on the South Africa Map so we could possible see 5 more of these events in the future. Below are some suggestions.

One thing Zynga loves (but not the players) is their precious South Africa Map. There is plenty of real estate on this thing and I’m sure they will let none of it go to waste. Although Lesotho and Swaziland have already been used, there is still marked terrain just waiting to have some bosses attached to it. If Zynga gets desperate they can even use the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans! When you are determined to copy and paste, dry land is not required.
To get the developers creative juices started, here are 5 locations outside of the South Africa border. Perhaps we will see some of these used for the next Boss Fight Event or you may even know some players who could volunteer their likeness!


  1. Yes-- we need more comedy in the game :)

  2. South Africa is a bust. The only comedy is when the imperium snatches it up. Any news about awe lizzy and their antibulling campain? Now thats comedy!


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