Feb 28, 2012

New Marketplace Loot: Possible Fight Club


Eight new items were added to the inventory. They showed up as “Changed items” on the Inventory History Spocklet because the stats were lower when they were initially added. The good news is the items all increased in stats and this is a big clue as to what they will be for. It’s possible they could be the new Loyalty Program Shut Down Event items but I really think they are for a Fight Club update.

When looking at each item in the inventory, they are labeled Marketplace and are all rare. The number of items added, location, quality and stats have a pattern that would fit the last Fight Club update which was in July of last year (1). The stats are too low to be Limited Edition items that you would purchase with reward points.
There were 2 weapons, 2 armors, 2 vehicles and 2 animals. The loot above fits the same pattern except there is only 1 animal and 1 henchmen. Henchmen were not a category with the last Fight Club loot update.

The newly added Arika looks a lot like the Hellion.
If you scroll to the bottom of the Marketplace, you sometimes see an add for Fight Club loot. It's been there for over 6 months now and is anything but new. It should say "Outdated Loot Available". I'm very hopeful this will change and the new loot shown above is for the Fight Club!


  1. Na...it must be fr loyalty program ...

  2. i hope to god it is fightclub loots i got close to half a million vcoins to spend this lot will up me to over 300k mafia defence :D

  3. Same here. Crossing my fingers that it's for fight club.

  4. way to powerful stuff for fight club me thinks

  5. I think those are the items mentioned to be added to the loyalty program before it closes, we will know for sure in 3 days, but their stats dont scream RP required compared to other marketplace loot so logically they probably are the end of the loyalty program loot.

  6. also expect the Victory coin cost to have increased for each.. im guessing 1,000, but knowing zynga, its a chance they'll be 1,500

  7. I would LOVE a fight club update but if they were just added, it makes more sense they are the special loot for the Loyalty program shutdown.

  8. i could see them being fight club items that cost 1,500 VCs each. zynga knows theres way to many vc's out there so i could see them adding some souped up items for prices that are extremely prohibitive.


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